Chapter 10

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~ Zoey's POV~

" How am I supposed to prove that to you?!" I ask as I glare at Harry

" Just go outside and do something." He shrugs his shoulders and starts to walk towards the door.

" I have the perfect thing..." I say as I think about my camera. My plan is quickly foiled by the fact that I left it in our hotel room, " But I left it in our hotel room!"

" Left what?!" Harry asks, intrigued.

" My camera..." I sigh as I flop back onto the cushy couch.

" Don't you have an iPhone?"

" Yeah! I do!"

I pull out my iPhone and stare at it. What a cancer perk.

" Well then get off your arse and come outside!" Harry says as he pulls me off the very comfortable couch.

" Nice save." I laugh at him as I walk past him, towards the hall.

I look down both sides of the hall, both ways completely endless.

" Ummm... This way? No... This way?" I ask Harry, clearly confused.

" This way you goof." He chuckles at me and brushes past me, going down the left hallway.

I frown at him as I traipse behind.

" Are we going out front?" I ask him curiously. We can't really go out front because of all the fan girls, I can already hear them screaming... And we're in the middle of the building.

" Well we obviously can't go out front. We'll go out back where the tour buses are." He waves his hand behind him as he continues down the long hallway.

" Aren't there fan girls back there too?"

Harry then very suddenly turns around and brings his face very close to mine, " No shit Sherlock."

His answer causes me to erupt with laughter. Clutching my stomach isn't enough, so I result to falling on the floor.

" Are you trying to kill this poor girl?!" I hear Louis say from behind.

" Maybe..." Harry mumbles.

I'm to busy laughing but I make a mental note to get him back for that later.

Louis offers me a hand up and I reluctantly except. The floor is cold, which is nice... I just realized I'm a reptile...

" Where are you guys going?" Louis asks.

" Out back... I think." I stare at Harry while the last words come out.

" Nah, we'll go to my version of outside." Harry turns on his heel and heads back the way we just came. I rush after him because he is quite a speedy walker, long legs I guess.

A few sharp turns later and we've arrived on the stage.

" This is your version of outside?" I ask, surprised. He must be cooped up a lot. But then again, what celebrity isn't?

" Yah... Kinda sad. But nature is soothing for some people, and this," he gestures towards the rows of empty seats, " is my nature."

I stare blankly at him. I didn't think that those kind of words could come out of a dumb, typical, teenage boys mouth. But I have just been proved wrong.

I traipse around the stage awkwardly, not really knowing what to do. There's noting to really take pictures of and Louis and Harry are off in their own little world. I decide that sitting at the front of the stage is my best option. Maybe I can count how many chairs there are and inform everyone, because that could be very helpful one day.

The thought of an awkward selfie comes to mind but then I realize how common white girlish that would be of me.

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