Chapter 9

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It's only been ten minutes and I'm already bored out of my mind.

I look around the room trying to find something to entertain me. My eyes fall on an Xbox and I just can't help myself.

I reach for the controller before I am rudely interrupted by my mother.

" Honey, I don't think you should play with that."

" Well it's just sitting here! Look! There's even dust!" I run my finger over the top of the game console and hold it up as evidence.

" Hmm, well I guess just one game... But keep the sound down." She huffs and sits back down on the couch.

I happily grab the controller and turn on the console.

" Hmmm, what game?" I mutter to myself as I search through the limited selection of games.

There nothing that I like and I am greatly disappointed.

I look through the downloaded games and see there is Minecraft.

Yes! These boys do have good taste!

I happily select the game and choose survival mode.

I was just in the middle of a zombie apocalypse when I heard a loud slam.

I unhappily pause the game and turn around.

" Can't you see I'm playing Minecraft?!" I shout at the noise makers.

The " noise makers" just happen to be Harry and Zayn, my least favorite people on the planet at this point.

" Sorry love", Harry says as he sits next to me," Minecraft? Really?"

I glare at him, " Yes, Minecraft. Silly String? Really?" I point to the squiggly mess on the floor.

" Silly String is WAY better than Minecraft."

" Suit yourself." I un-pause the game and start to fend off the zombies once more.

" Zoey?" I feel Harry tap my shoulder.

" What?!" I ask, turning to him.

" This!" Harry then takes it upon himself to cover my face in silly string.

" Harry!" I shout at him, probably red-faced.

I claw the silly string away from my face and stare back at the screen.

I quickly realize that I had neglected to pause the game which resulted in me getting murdered by zombies.

" HARRY!!!!! YOU MADE ME DIE!!!!" I scream at him.

" Sorry love, but you need to get outside more." He replies cockily.

" Well when you have cancer you get tired easily. Which makes exactly THAT nearly impossible."

I don't hear anything from Harry for a few minutes which could mean two things, he couldn't come up with a come back, or he died.

I turn around just to make sure it's not number two.

" Prove it." Harry surprises me, with his face a little too close to me.

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