Chapter 11

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~ Zoey's POV~

I've nixed the common white girl idea which doesn't leave me with much. I could just scroll through Instagram, another white girl move but the only option I have at this point.

I open up to my news feed and scroll through it a bit. But within five pictures I'm already bored out of my mind.

" You need to take some pictures." Harry says as he hooks his arms underneath my arm pits and heaves me up to a standing position.

" But there's nothing to take photos of. Nothing." I protest.

" You're just not looking hard enough."

" Oh believe me, I've looked. And this, isn't that interesting."

" Why are you so mean?"

" I'm not mean, I'm just... Honest. You can't waste your life trying to please other people."

" That doesn't sound conceited at all." Harry closes the conversation and walks back over to Louis.

Those boys aren't paying any attention to what I'm doing, so I decide to just walk back to the dressing room. It's the most interesting place in this whole building.

I walk off stage and try to remember which way we came. This whole building is like a maze, and I haven't even seen half of it yet.

I decide that we turned right to get here so I take off that way. I walk down that hallway for a bit until I come to a dead end.

I wish I could teleport through walls, but I can't, so I'll just take the long way.

I turn back around and head back the way I just came.

I start down another long hallway and pray to god that this is the right one. If Paul finds me just wondering around I'll be in trouble.

Just my luck, this hallway is another dead end. How can one building have or need so many dead ends?

I turn back around and find myself where I started, near the stage.

I just walk straight from there because that's the only place I haven't tried yet.

This hallway actually goes on for a while and doesn't end in a dead end. It ends with a nice set of familiar doors, mostly the dressing room door though.

I burst through the door, proud that I found my way back. But nobody is in the room to see my triumphant entrance.

I look around frantically, feeling quite abandoned.

Where in the world could my mom be? She's probably just hiding in the corner with a magazine or something... I look behind the door, on the couch, basically every last square inch of that room but I still don't see her.

" Honey sorry I went to get some food. I didn't think you'd be back so soon." She laughs a little as she sets all the junk food down on the table.

I stare at the food for a while, deep in thought.

" Honey? Are you ok?"

" Yeah, I just probably should've told Harry I was leaving the stage." And all of a sudden, everything goes black.

~ Harry's POV ~

" There's no way Pegasus' are better than Unicorns. It's just not possible." I shrug my shoulders at Louis' ridiculous claim. Yes, we were so bored that our conversation came to this.

" I'm just saying, they can fly and unicorns can't."

" Or can they?" I chuckle as the look of confusion overtakes Louis' face.

" Wait... Where the heck is Zoey?" I say as I turn around.

" Did she leave?" Louis asks.

" I don't know..."

" She probably just went back to the dressing room."

" What if she didn't make it?"

" She probably made it mate."

" She has cancer you idiot, she could've had a seizure." I push past Louis and run off the stage.

" Well aren't you Mr.Positive?"

I run down the hall towards the dressing room, my feet hit the ground harder with each step and the sound echoes off the walls.

What of she's lying on the ground somewhere? What if she got lost? What if the fan girls got to her? Oh god...

I finally reach the dressing room and yank the door open.

Nobody's there.

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