Chapter 14

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~Harry's POV~

" Thanks for ruining the fun Paul..." Zayn complains at Paul's immediate request for us to get out of the empty pool.

" Your safety is more important then your lack of excersise. You can go run laps around the building for all I care", Paul then proceeds to lift one finger in the air," But only after the show."

I let out a disapproving sigh and climb out of the wondrous pool. How could he not let us do this, it's not like we're going to snap our necks. Oh wait... Ya we probably would...

" Get on the platform Harry." Paul points to my personal pop up platform. All the boys are ready to pop up onto stage, I'm the last one to get on.

" But what if I get hurt Pauly?" I flash Paul the biggest puppy eyes, hoping to get a rise out of him.

" Harry stop messing around. You have exactly 10 seconds until those things pop up on stage. Get your ass on there."

I snicker at Paul as I step onto the platform.

" What's so funny?!"

" You said ass." I laugh once more before my platform pops up on stage. I jump up and Best Song Ever starts playing and I get ready to sing.

I throw my hand down according to the beat, I hear my entrance, " Maybe it's the way she walked", I sing into the microphone," Straight into my heart and stole it!"

" Thank you! We love you all!" Liam shouts into his microphone as the show comes to a close. The audience erupts with a huge cheer and we all gather onto the platform and sink into the floor while waving to our fans.

" That show was insane." Niall shakes his head as we walk back to our dressing room.

" Nothing we haven't seen before." Zayn shrugs his shoulders.

" WE'RE JUST TOO FABULOUS!" Louis exclaims causing us all to erupt with laughter.

" Yes." Liam walks in front of all of us and pretends to flip is hair.

" Sometimes even I think we're gay."


Authors note: So this chapter was short because I feel like the next chapter can't be tacked on to the end of this one. There will be more of Zoey coming soon I just need to figure out more scenes with her. But the next chapter will revolve around Zoey.

I have my first voice lesson tonight! Wish me luck!

Love you all!

- coraline2111

P.S. You guys are too amazing! 😙

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