Chapter 6

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You can practically smell the anxiety in the small space of the car.

It's mostly from me but that's a minor detail.

I don't know why I'm so nervous to meet them, it doesn't matter.

I don't even know what they look like...

I know there's one with curly hair...

And one named Zen or something. That's a really weird name...

" We're here. I assume you knew you were attending their concert tonight?" The driver asks as he parks in front of a huge building.

" No. We didn't know we were attending their concert." I huff as I cross my arms.

" Where do we meet them?" My mom attempts to change the subject.

" Their manager, Paul is waiting in front of those doors and he will escort you to where they are." The driver says as he points to a set of huge doors.

" Thank you." My mom climbs out of the car and I follow.

We walk up to the door and sure enough there is a huge man waiting for us.

" Hello. I'm Paul. I'm assuming you are Zoey and Kim Bradshaw." Paul nods towards me and my mom.

I nod at him.

He opens one of the huge doors and gestures me and my mom inside.

" It's a bit of a walk so prepare yourselves." Paul says as he leads is down a very long hallway.

There is nothing to look at so the walk is a bit of a bore.

There are doors spread out here and there.

The Janitor's closet.

The furnace.

The basement.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by the worst noise, something that I never wanted to here.

" Zayn give it back!" I hear a girl scream. Or at least it sounds like a girl...

I see two figures race right past me.

" No way Harry!" I hear somebody else say.

Okay so now I know they're boys.

Probably those obnoxious boys.

My eyes widen as I feel somebody crash into me.

I fall to the floor.

" Oh... Um... Sorry." The person says as they climb off of me.

" Whatever." I mutter as I get off the floor.

" I'm Harry!" The boy sticks out his hand, expecting me to shake it.

I glare at him, I turn away from him and walk back to my mom.

' Harry's' face flushes with the deepest shade of red I've ever seen.

" Here Harry." The boy (who I'm assuming is named Zayn) says to Harry as he catches his breath.

" Boys, this is Zoey and her mother, Kim." Paul says to the boys as he gestures to us.

My mom smiles at them but I just glare at them.

I didn't like them before I met them but now I dislike them even more.

I thought there were more of them... I guess not...

" Where is Louis, Liam, and Niall?" Paul asks, looking over his shoulder.

The two boys shrug.

" We're right here!" A blonde boy with a thick Irish accent says as he comes up behind with two other boys.

" Great! You're all here! Lets do a proper introduction. Boys, this is Zoey."

I smile at the three new boys, so far they're my favorites since they didn't knock me to the ground.

" I'm Liam." A boy with a buzz cut, a thick british accent, and tons of tattoos says. He sticks out his hand.

I smile at him and shake his hand.

" I'm Louis." A boy with brown hair, a thick British accent, and also tons of tattoos says.

He doesn't stick out his hand, instead he moves in for a hug.

I'm not much of a hugger, but since I've decided these boys are my favorite I decide to hug Louis.

But just this one time.

The hug is brief and I am thankful.

" I'm Niall." The Irish boy says. He has no tattoos whatsoever.

" I'm Zayn." The boy who was teasing Harry earlier says. He has a lot of tattoos.

He has black hair that is styled exactly like the rest of the boys.

" Harry, introduce yourself." Paul tells Harry.

" Oh, I already know Harry." I state so that I don't have to listen to his obnoxious voice again.

Harry's face flushes again.

I smirk at his embarrassment.

" How about you guys go to the dressing room. I have some work to do on stage." Paul says to the boys.

" Before you go! Where's the bathroom?" My mom asks, embarrassing me greatly.

Even though I shouldn't be embarrassed, I don't care what these boys think of me.

" Down the hall to your right." Paul replies to my mom.

My mom nods and starts down the hall.

Paul goes down another hall, leaving me with these boys.

" You don't look like you have cancer." Louis breaks the silence, giving me a weird look.

" Excuse me?" I don't quite understand his... Question?

" I mean, shouldn't you be bald?" Louis just keeps going on.

" Um, mate. You become bald through chemo. So no offense, but shut your mouth." Liam puts Louis in his place.

Ok, now Liam is my favorite.

" Yeah. I haven't had chemo yet. And I'm glad. " I glare at Louis.

" Sorry, I did-"

" You know I have to deal with people like you all day, every day! I don't even want to be here! But her I am! My dying wish got ruined by you guys! So the LEAST you can do is be polite!" I scream at them all and storm down some random hall.

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