Chapter 4

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I barely notice when the plane lands, due to my deep sleep.

" Honey?" My mom says as she gently shakes me awake.

My eyes flutter open and I turn to her.

" Are we here?" I ask as I stretch in the small space I have.

" Ya, we just landed."

" Darn!"

" We're you hoping we would crash or something?"

" No..."

I look around the plane and realize that almost everyone is gone, except for a few lingering passengers.

I lazily get out of my seat and walk out into the aisle. I pop open the overhead compartment and grab my ridiculously heavy suitcase. I need to work on my packing skills...

In an attempt to be nice I grab my moms suitcase and bring it down into the aisle too.

" Thank you honey." My mom smiles at me as she takes her suitcase and rolls it down the aisle.

I grab my suitcase and follow my mom down the aisle and out of the airplane.

I begin to get tossed around in the crowd as we enter the airport.

LA is a lot different than Michigan...

After awhile of getting tossed around I begin to wonder if people see my shirt. It clearly states I have cancer, so back up people!

I've never been a big fan of people in general. That's why my mom is basically my best ( and only), friend. I stopped being social when I got my cancer, but it was a pretty good excuse.

I see a woman glance at my shirt and give me a disgusted look.

Ok, I do admit I probably shouldn't have worn this shirt while traveling. But it is a pretty comfy shirt, so don't judge me.

We walk a little further through the airport and come to a crowd of people with signs. I notice my mom scanning the crowd. I begin to scan the crowd too and see a man holding a sigh that says " Bradshaw".

" Is that meant for us?" I ask my mom.

She nods and walks over to the man.

" Kim Bradshaw?" The man asks mom.

" Yes." She nods at him, smiling.

He leads us down the escalator and down towards the luggage claim.

" Did you two check any bags?" He asks us.

" No, we didn't." I can tell my mom is being extra polite.

He nods for what seems like the millionth time.

He then leads us out some big glass doors and out to a huge parking lot.

My eyes widen at the sight. I begin to get a bit worried that we will be searching for the car for hours.

" I parked in section B. It's not too far from here."

He leads us through tons of cars until we finally reach the car.

It's a limo which seems a bit excessive. It must've been those obnoxious boys...

He pops the trunk and gestures for our bags. I gladly hand him mine and watch him struggle to lift it into the trunk. He does the same with my moms before slamming the trunk shut.

He moves to the back door and opens it for us. I slide in, followed by my mom. He slams the door and climbs into the drivers seat.

" I will drop you off at your hotel first if that's ok with you?" He asks as he begins to ease the car out of the parking lot.

" Thats actually what we were thinking." My mom replies to him.

I just stare out the window as their conversation goes back and forth, mainly about meeting the boys and some ridiculous stuff like that.

I'm mostly consumed in looking at all the palm trees and the cars.

Everybody's right, LA is a concrete jungle. I mean, almost everywhere is now a days. But it still makes me sad. It's not like I don't wish we had cars and stuff, I just wish there was less of it. Especially since LA is covered in smog, which is disgusting...

I snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of the car screeching to a stop.

I look outside the car and see that we are in front of a hotel. It was either a really short drive or I was REALLY consumed in my thoughts...

I step out of the car, not giving our driver a chance to open it for me. My mouth drops open once I take in the hotel. It's way over done with some Christmas lights hanging in the trees, lighting up the dark night.

" Here are your bags." The driver hands us our bags and leads us into the hotel.

We walk up to the front desk and he begins to speak to the staff about our reservation.

This is definitely a five star hotel. I must look ridiculous standing here in my baggy shirt and sweats. Most of the people walking around have pearls hanging off their wrists and tight pencil skirts. I begin to tug on my shirt uncomfortably.

" Here are your room keys. Your room is number 236 floor 7. Do you need anything else before I leave."

" No, we are fine. Thank you." Mom answers for both of us.

He nods and walks away, leaving us to our own devices.

Without even thinking I walk over to the elevator and push the 'up' button.

The doors ding open and a few people step out.

My mom and I step in. I smile like a four year old as I push the seventh floor button.

The doors slide shut and the elevator jolts upwards.

" Are you finally excited?" Mom breaks the happy silence.

" Only about the hotel. Not about meeting those boys."

Mom rolls her eyes at me as the elevator doors slide open, revealing a long hallway.

" Our room is this way." Mom points down the hall. I happily skip down the hall, my bag behind me.

I stop in front of room 236.

" Come on mom!" I shout back at my mom, who is WAY to far behind me.

" Oh shush!"

She pulls out the room key and slides it into the lock. The light turns from red to green and I throw open the door.

" Whoa."

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