CHPT5: Seldom a Coincidence

Start from the beginning

"Maybe people with special gifts show up when bad things are happening because that's when they're needed most..."

I woke up rather suddenly, heart still pounding. Too much fire and who the heck was speaking? People from my past? I'm so confused. It's been five years and I haven't found any of these people. If I do have loved ones in my past, somewhere in this messed up world, I wish they'd find me. I feel like I'm the only one looking. Except I'm not anymore...

"Leo!" Mako and Asami were sitting on the bed I'd been laying on as my eyes blinked rapidly, adjusting to the light of the room.

"Oh hey guys," My throat was dry. "Where's everybody?"

"We have less that an hour till Metal Dynasty arrives," Mako grimaced. "Everyone's ... preparing."

"On the plus side the Air benders just got here and republic City is sending troops, but they won't be here for a couple days," Asami added.

"I'll help," I made to get out of bed when Mako stopped me.

"What do you think you're doing? You were almost dead less than two hours ago!" Clingy...

" 'M fine," I reassured them, reaching into my tool belt for my wondrous flask. Not totally sure what's in it, but it tastes unbelievably good and it helps with pain.

I managed to convince Asami and Mako to at least let me look around. Zao Fu was a city entirely made out of metal. It was heaven. Asami excused herself to go find Korra shortly after I got up and she made me swear not to do anything stupid. I watched as air benders, metal benders, and nomads mingled as they prepared for war. Some of the nomads said hi to me as they passed by. Festus squeaked and creaked at my heels commenting on all the commotion. This strangely didn't feel too weird. I thought I'd be more stressed about fighting and going to war ,but I wasn't. It felt like I'd done this before. A growing sense of déja-vu settled in my stomach. It was strange. I need a distra-ah!

"Hey Mako, look at this! Scrape metal!" I grabbed his hand and dragged him towards a whole garden of scrape metal!

"That's art,Leo!" Mako laughed.

"How's that art?" I peered at the twisted chunks and shards of metal. "Nope that's definitely scrape metal. They would make good projectiles."

"True..." Mako grinned.


Jason's POV

Zao Fu was the most beautiful metal city I'd ever seen.  It was the only one I'd ever seen, but it was gorgeous all the same. It had arcing buildings that sat in shapes that looked similar to lotus flowers. Milo explained the "lotus flower" part as I'd described it was actually the domes, which would be raised to protect the inhabitants of Zao Fu during the battle. One of the Air benders, Opal, apparently came from here. She was stressed and worry lines creased her face. I knew how tough it was to have your home attacked, this was going to be rough and not just for Opal. We were unpacking when we began hearing the whispers between the varying benders about an incredible metal bender who showed up with the nomads. He had an advanced car with technology that surpassed anything they'd ever seen and his bending was apparently practically magic. No one had ever seen anything like it before. Tensen said people were exaggerating and that he'd met the bender they spoke of, he was friends with the avatar apparently. What's an avatar I wonder. Tensen said it with such casualness that I assume it's a common term so I didn't ask.

"Oh, are they talking about Leo?" Milo asked his father innocently.

"LEO?" We all yelled in unison.

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