Chapter 1: Grab Your Hat and Fetch Your Camera

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I wake up to the blinding light coming through the blinds on my window. I peek my eyes open and start scanning my surroundings. My room was pretty plain: white walls all around, a small closet that held all my cloths (which there weren't many of), a brown wooden desk in the corner with a lamp and papers neatly set on top, and a white edged body mirror hung on the wall between the desk and the closet. My eyes land on my iHome that sat on my side table along with a glass of water. The iHome that had my iPod charging on top with the time and date stated on the side: 8:38 AM, May 23rd, 2017.

It has been two days since I had been on break from school. Which was awesome but my mind still seems to be on the schedule of waking up early. It's exhausting because all I wanted to do was sleep in till noon and get to bed whenever like normal kids do. But then again, I'm not a normal kid. Once that thought hits my brain all of the other terrible thoughts come too. "Will I ever be normal again?" "Does anyone even want me?" "Will I ever get out of this system?" So many questions, not many answers.

I eventually take off my covers and swing my feet off of the bed. An instant chill swarm around my bare legs and arms giving me goosebumps. I take my iPod off the stand from which it was charging, grab my throw blanket, and make my way to the living room.

I open up my door and walk out into the hallway which leads to the living room and a built off kitchen. I make my way to the couch and wrap the blanket around me since I was freezing. After opening my iPod, I start scrolling through Instagram.

It wasn't until 9:30 when Jodie had finally woken up. She made her way into the kitchen, my guess making herself coffee (since that's what she always does in the morning). Jodie comes out of the kitchen and sits herself on the couch. Most likely waiting for her coffee to get done.

"Good morning Brooklyn, how did you sleep?" Jodie yawns, still tired from sleep.

"Fine," I say still looking down at my iPod. It shows a picture of pre-hiatus Fall Out Boy in all of their makeup and costumes for their music video, American Suitehearts. Which is my favorite Fall Out Boy music video.

"Good, I'm glad." Jodie gets up and retrieves her coffee from the kitchen just as I had suspected. She comes back and sits down adjacent from me on the love seat and turns on the tv.

This is how most of our mornings have been since summer break started. We wake up, turn on the tv, watch the news for a bit, and have lunch around 11. We chill out the rest of the day watching movies or whatever tv show we wanna watch, eat supper, and spend the rest of the night talking or watching a movie. Then we go to bed at 10. Pretty boring if you ask me, but I deserve a break ever since school ended.

It was around 10 o'clock until Jodie's cellphone started to ring. She reaches for the phone beside her and puts it up to her face to read it. She quickly reads over the caller ID and looks up at me and mouths an 'I'll be right back.' Quickly, she gets off the couch and walks into her bedroom.

I don't really care, but to take a guess at who was calling her, it was probably her work calling because there was an emergency of some sort and they need her help right away. She had taken a vacation week from her job at the sheriff's station and seeing how she was the sheriff, I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case.

After about 15 minutes on the phone, Jodie finally comes back out into the living room with a big smile plastered on her face.

I look up from my screen to acknowledge her presence. Jodie had short brown hair that was cut to the side of her head like a boy's and brown eyes to go with. She was about 5"2 which was super short compared to my height of 5"6.

"Who was that? Why are you so happy?" I ask as she sits back down on the couch with that smile still on her face.

"That was the adoption agency. Why I'm so happy is because they found someone to adopt you!"

I frown as soon as I hear those words

"Again?" My heart drops. I don't want this to happen to me again. I don't want to go to another family just for them to kick me out. Not again.

"You'll like this family, I know you will." She winks at me. What the hell was the wink for?

"What's that suppose to mean?" I'm confused at this point. Do I know these people?

She just looks at me with her cheeky grin. What is she hiding?

"They live about 3 hours away and I told them that you would get your stuff packed today so that we can head over there tomorrow."

I let out a sigh, "Ok."

I wasn't going to fight. I had been through this routine quite enough so I was used to it.

Getting off the couch, I grab my blanket and iPod and slowly walk down the hallway back into my room.

I set my iPod on its charging stand and throw my blanket back on my bed. I sat on my bed with my legs crisscrossed and looked at my bare, boring room. I sat there thinking how long this was going to take. 1 hour, maybe 2. "Well," I sigh, "Let's get to work I suppose."

*4 hours later*

Well that was longer than I guessed it to be.

I sat on my bed, looking at all the things I had packed up. My suitcase, book bag, and empty box sitting in the middle of the room sat there lifelessly as I wondered how I ended up in this situation.

Why it took so long was because as I was cleaning my closet and putting all my clothes in their box, Jodie came in and made me try on all my clothes just to make sure they all fit. If some didn't, I can give them to her to give to some thrift shop. Most of them did fit since I got most all of them in the last year, but some I grew out of so I gave them to Jodie. Most of my clothes are band shirts/sweatshirts and jeans. Props to Jodie who actually understands the type of stuff I like unlike the foster families who took care of me before.

In total, I have my suitcase that holds all of my clothes, my book bag with my drawing notebook along with some normal and colored pencils. It also holds photographs of me, my mom and my dad before the whole incident. I'm going to pack the rest of my stuff up tomorrow and put it all in the box. Then I'll be ready to go to this mystery place that I have no clue about.

Jodie seems to be really optimistic about this family. But since this is the 5th family I'm staying with, I don't see much hope anymore.

But you know what they say, 5th time's the charm.


oof, I hope you guys liked this chapter
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Things Have Changed (Adopted by Brendon Urie)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang