Chapter 17: Old Fashioned

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I stare wide eyed at the man. I haven't seen him since the day he got sentenced to prison. How the fuck is he here?!

"Hello Brooklyn, it's been quite awhile." He says, his voice menacing.

"Aren't you supposed to be in jail?!" I yell, all the past anger towards him bubbling up and overflowing.

"Well I'm supposed to be, but I escaped." He crosses his arms, almost as if he's proud of what he did. He absolutely disgusts me.

He turns away, closing the door behind him and leaning on it. The door closes to fast for me to get a glimpse of what was behind it.

"Enough about me, how have you been Bumblebee?" He asks. The man smiles but with an evil hint to it.

I cringe at the nickname. That was my mom's name for me, no one else.

"Don't call me that." I growl, the anger surely showing.

"Aw, don't say that." He gives me a pouty look. "I used to call you that all the time-"

"Mom used to call me that all the time." I correct him.

"Ah yes, your mom..." he shakes his head, "I miss her so much." He stares at the floor with a sad expression.

"She wouldn't be gone if you wouldn't have killed her!" I yell. I don't care if he kills me, I'm just so angry at him. What he did to mom, what he did to me, just everything.

He quickly comes up to me which startles me. He wraps his hand around my throat, choking me.

He leans down towards my ear, "Don't talk about what I did and don't raise your voice at me missy, understood?" He whispers sternly.

Now the fear of him from the past finally surfaces. All those years of him hitting me and yelling at me finally knock me back into the body of my scared 10 year old self. All the anger and confidence I had quickly leaves and is replaced by total fear.

I nod and feel tears go down my face. I whimper as he finally lets go of the grasp around my neck. I choke, trying to regain all of the oxygen I had lost.

He goes back to his original position by leaning back against the door. His expression the same, as if him choking me never happened. I look down at the floor, scared of looking up at him.

"Now, back to my question. How are you Bumblebee? I've missed you." I still stare at the ground, shaking from fear that is caused by the psychopath in front of me.

"Please don't do this to me Brooklyn, I am your father after all." He bends down to my level and looks at my face, it hanging down towards the floor. I keep staring at the dark oak planks, not making eye contact.

"You're not my father." I mumble.

"What was that?" He questions, cuffing his hand around his ear and leaning quite close to me.

"I said," I look up at him, the tears following down the path the ones before had traced along my skin and falling off, "You're not my father." I clench my teeth together, trying to contain all of the emotions that were scrambling around in my head.

"Of coarse I am!" He over exaggeratedly exclaims. "That just wouldn't be possible. Of coarse that Brendon guy isn't your father." He shakes his head.

My eyes widen at the mention of Brendon.

"How do you know about him?!" I exclaim.

"Honey, how do you think I knew where to kidnap you? Of coarse I know who Brendon is, he's all apart of my plan." He looks away for a moment and at the window. The sky grows darker and darker by the minute.

"Your plan?" I inquire. Sniffing, I look up to meet his gaze that had landed on me once again.

"Well, lets just say, when I got out of that awful prison I was wondering what happened to my beautiful daughter of mine,"

Oh so this bitch is a murderer AND a pedophile. How delightful.

"And while I was doing my research to find you, I happened to stumble upon a news article of your wannabe daddy and his "adoptive daughter", so being the curious person I am, clicked on it and realized it was you. And the rest, well..." he trails off, "it'll pay off."

I internally scoff at him, knowing that if I actually did it might cause him to hurt me again. I shake my head instead and stayed silent, still staring at the wooden floor boards.

He gets up from his crouching position and walks over to the window. He stares out it, watching like he's waiting for something.

"Did you know that his net worth is 8 million dollars?! That's so much money, imagine what you could do with money like that." He walks away from the window and comes back over to me.

He grabs my chin and lifts it up, making me give direct eye contact with him. I whimper as his calloused hand holds on tightly to my chin. He squeezes it, making more whines come out from me.

"Imagine what we can do with that kind of money." He growls, his brown eyes have a dark and evil glint in them. Looking into them sends shivers down my spine. His breath hits me in the face, the smell of it fills my nostrils and makes me gag at the foul smell it has.

"No, let go of me." I whimper, pulling my head back to try and resist the hold he has on my chin. The tugging only made the grip he has on me stronger and, apparently, made him more angry. The evil look on his face twists into one of fury as he takes his other hand and slaps me right across the face.

I cry out at the burning sensation it leaves on my cheek. My head falls against my chest and more tears fall from my eyes. Landing on the floor along with the others.

He lifts my head up again by the chin. I continue to sob, fearing that he will do it again. He leans down close to my ear, his breath hitting my ear making me shudder.

"Don't try and resist, it'll only make things worse." He whispers. He backs away and goes behind me to where I can't see him.

"Don't worry," he starts out. I try and turn my head to see what he's doing, "This will all end shortly, let's just hope your stupid Brendon goes along with the plan and no one will get hurt." I hear movements come from behind me. I squirm around in my seat, the sound from his motions making me on edge.

"Everything will be all right."

He finally says before everything goes black.


Is this still interesting? Is this realistic? Idk I've been having doubts for some reason but I'm still proud of this book and love it with all my heart. But I'm just wondering...

Sorry this is a bit late I'm getting ready for homecoming right now so that's fun :)

But yeah I hope y'all are ready for the upcoming chapters cause shit is gonna get good hehehe

So anyways, thanks for reading! I love all of you guys and I hope you all are ready for the ending! Idk when it'll be but it's coming to the end sadly. But don't worry not anytime soon :)

Thanks for reading my fellow bad bitches. Stay bad xx

Things Have Changed (Adopted by Brendon Urie)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя