Chapter 18: Crazy=Genius

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Brendon's POV (hehe I am excited)

We finally pull up to the house Pete's phone took us to. It's about 8 o'clock once we get there.

The house or what looks like a mansion is guarded by trees and bushes all tied together by tall lengthy vines. Upon the top of the hill sets the mansion that looks to be very old.

Pete parks the car on the side of the road and quickly all of us get out of the car. We meet up at the back of it by the trunk.

"Alright, we all familiar with the plan?" Zack asks and earns a head nod from both Pete and I.

The plan is I drive the car up to the front of the house while Pete and Zack find a way into it without being seen. They both try and find Brooklyn while I distract the kidnapper outside of the house with the money that they want in the trunk (which we got while taking a short stop at an ATM). Hopefully, they both find her and we knock the person out and leave. No one gets hurt (well except the other person) and we all leave safely. Let's just hope that bitch didn't hurt her.

"Let's roll," Pete says walking away with Zack while I go to the front of the car and get in.

I watch the two walk up the hill and try to manifest their way out of the vines and weeds guarding the place. They make their way through the wall of plants and get out of my line of sight. Turning on the car, I drive off the side of the road and pull into the driveway.

I park the car and get out, looking up at the large mansion. The place is obviously old, built in the early 1900's probably. The outside is white, the paint chipping off everywhere. Vines cover the corners, snaking their way up to the roof. The porch is held up by pillars which also have vines crawling up them and the front door is barely on its hinges. This place gives off an eerie and deathly vibe, something wreaks of death but you can't tell from which direction it's coming from. Hopefully, it's just a dead deer in the woods on the other side of the road but something in my gut tells me otherwise.

Gotta have high hopes, Brendon. High hopes.

I go up to the front door and knock. Anxiety eats away at my stomach, making me want to throw up. I stand back and wait awkwardly, looking around at the old porch. Old leaves and dirty stains are scattered around it. Multiple spider webs hang in the corners, each having a special design. This is place is definitely abandoned.

Finally, the door opens with a loud squeak. Behind stands a man with dark brown hair and eyes to match. His hair seems to be balding, it being very thin and to where you can see his scalp through the short strands. He has a full length beard matching the same color as his hair. His outfit is only a white t-shirt and light grey pants. He was very tall, taller than me, and had a slight beer belly, but he also had a bit of muscle too. His expression is very stern and angry looking. Something had pissed him off.

He looked like he could beat the living shit out of me.

"Well hello Brendon, it's great to finally meet you." He speaks in a gruff voice, his expression still stays the same way.

"Can we just get this over with, I want my daughter back." I say sternly.

"Nah ah ah," he waggles his finger, "Not your daughter, my daughter." He points to his chest and drags out the 'my'.

My eyes widen. When I had adopted Brooklyn, her papers never said what happened to her parents, it was "classified information." I assumed that they must've died or something and she has never mentioned them before. The multiple theories on why he's here and why the hell he fucking kidnapped her for God's sake are spiraling around in my head.

"Well you're obviously a pretty shitty dad if you just gave her up." I fired back. My comeback was based off of information that I didn't know was true or not but I didn't care. I was just angry at what he did.

"I never gave her up, she was taken away from me." He raises his voice at the end. I'm not sure whether to feel bad for him or to be angry that he stole her...

Nah, I'm fucking angry.

"I don't care, I just want her back." I retort, trying not to raise my own voice because that might ruin my chance of getting her back if it hasn't already.

He huffs and rolls his eyes, acting like I'm waisting his time. "Fine, you have the money?" The man finally says, looking like he's bored with the situation.

I nod and lead him back to the car. We get to the trunk and I pop it open, a large bag of money stacks laying on its side sits in the middle. The man leans down and picks up the money bag with a wide grin on his face. The menacing and evil look the smile gives makes me shudder. Never has one person made me literally want to slit my own throat. How did Brooklyn deal with this man?

He opens up the bag and looks inside. "Good, good." He says, admiring the bills inside.

"You make me sick." I mutter, hoping he doesn't hear me.

"Right back at 'cha." He says in response in which startles me, not knowing he would respond. I roll my eyes as I close the trunk and walk back towards the house, the money bag in the other man's arms.

All of a sudden, a loud cry comes from the house. The man and I look at each other for a split second as we then take off sprinting for the house. We make it inside the house before he turns around and punches me right in the face. The impact makes me fall straight on my back with a thud. I clutch my nose with both hands, the feeling of blood runs in between my fingers. My vision starts to get spotted.

Oh shit no, please, no.

I start feeling dizzy and the black spots in my vision start to grow and before I know, everything is black.


Fuck, am I a bad person?

this book is slowly going down hill but ya know it'll be great in the end I promise

anyways thanks for reading I really appreciate all of you guys' comments and votes they mean the absolute world to me

school is a bitch... that's all I wanted to say

but yeah thanks for reading my fellow bad bitches, stay bad xx

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