Chapter 11: Camisado

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I wake up, a bright ceiling light shining brightly in my face. This isn't the tour bus...

I go to move but I feel pain surge through my entire body. I whimper as I lay back into my original position. The memories flood my brain as I remember how I got to feeling this way.

"'Trick she's awake!" I hear someone whisper, "Go get Brendon quick!" And with that I hear someone run and leave the room, the door opening and closing with a click.

I open my eyes slightly, the shining light making me squint.

I lift my head up, "Where am I?" My voice coming out raspy and quiet.

"You're in the hospital." I hear the voice from before say. I follow the voice leading to the face of Pete. "You got into a pretty bad fight."

"Oh..." I whisper my eyes adverted to the hospital bed I'm laying in.

My arms have needles in them that lead to the IV beside me. The hospital room is just like any ordinary hospital room. The all white walls, the floors blank white tiles. The small TV sat in the corner and the few chairs sat up against a wall with a large window. The blinds are shut making this room feel more small and isolated.

Pete is the only one sitting in one of those chairs but his is moved up closer to me than the others. I look at him, his face is stern but also concerned. His eyes are adverted, looking at the door on the other side of the room. Although he is not looking at me directly, I can still see that they are filled with sadness and worry.

My staring at his face was cut off by the door being quickly opened and multiple people rushing into the room. The first person being Brendon.

He runs over to me and wraps me into a big hug. I whimper slightly at the sudden weight on my body giving me pain. He immediately pulls back.

"I'm sorry." He mutters. He shows a slight smile but then he quickly sniffs and wipes his nose with the back of his hand.

He walks over to the chair Pete is sitting in. Pete gets up to let Brendon sit there and he brings the chair closer to the bed. Sarah, who had run in after Brendon, gives me a hug. Her makeup messed up obviously from crying as her eyeliner seems like it was wiped away from her face after it ran down her cheeks. She kisses me on the cheek and mutters an "I love you" before going to sit next to Brendon. One of her hands join with Brendon's as she sits.

"Are you okay? How do you feel?" Brendon says, his voice quiet and scared. Almost as if he was scared to say something wrong.

"In all honesty," I say carefully adjusting myself up so I don't hurt myself. "I'm not okay." I slightly shrug. Everything just hurts so bad.

"The doctor said that you have bruised up sides and your nose was in pretty bad shape. Also your jaw was popped out of place..." Brendon trails off.

"But you went under some sort of procedure while you were knocked out so everything should be okay." He adverts his eyes away from me, tears lining the bottom of his eyelids.

"Well that's good I guess." My jaw hurts to move and since my jaw can't open that wide without it hurting, my words just sound mushed together when I talk.

"What happened?" Brendon finally asks after moments of silence. He looks up at me with those sad, brown eyes. A tear spills over and gosh I can't look at him like this.

I look down, wondering what would be the best way to tell him that his fans did this to me. I finally look up to him, looking at me awaiting my answer.

"When I was in the restroom..." I trail off looking away from him then at my hands laying on my stomach. I slowly say my words to make sure that they understand me.

Things Have Changed (Adopted by Brendon Urie)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon