Chapter 9.5: Curse You...

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Warning: A lot of fluff
If you don't have the guts to read, please skip until you saw the sign (stop here)
{For my dear friend, Trisha: Please don't read the fluff part}


"He is going to visit us?" Katsuki said, before sipping his hot chocolate. "That's very unexpected" he added.

Izuku is sparkling, he can't wait till tomorrow. "I will clean, you cook. Tomorrow is very important" he said, removing his coat and dropping his bag to start fixing some things.

The blonde actor sighed in exasperation, knowing that no one can stop Izuku as soon as he set his mind on something. He simply took his keys, grabbed a jacket and opened the door. "I'll go get some ingredients, stay here...don't ever open the door" he warned. But honestly, he hired two bodyguards to roam around the perimeters of the house; killing anyone who stepped in there lawn without pressing the doorbell.

When Katsuki was gone, Izuku started to clean every nook and crook of the house. Starting from the living room to the only soundproof room. He grinned to himself when he decided that the house is clean enough.

Glancing at the clock, he found out that he's been working for almost three hours.

He sighed contentedly before stepping in the bathroom.

Taking off all his clothes, he stared at himself on the mirror. He looked so stressed and haggard, his body lean but without the abs or anything and his face more mature.

Katsuki is home, he found the house too clean but eventually he ignored it.

He placed the things he bought on the counter and went to cool off, grabbing a bottle of beer in the refrigerator. After drinking two bottles, he went upstairs with one beer at hand  and sighed deeply, thinking about the wedding.

"Fuck this" he said, taking another long drink on a newly opened beer.

(Warning: Intense Fluff)

Izuku stepped out off the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist as he opened the door to the bedroom.

He yelped when he saw Katsuki sitting on the bed. "You startled me Katsuki! Please knock before you enter" he said, a hand over his chest to slow down his heart.

He removed the towel wrapped around his waist, exposing everything. Then he changed in his undergarments. "What if Shouto is happy with Hatsune?" Katsuki's voice is closer than before. Izuku felt his hot breath on his ears, making him blush uncontrollably.

An arm snaked around his body and he sniffed the faint smell of alcohol. His warning signal inside his head alarmed very loudly making him jump in instinct. But Katsuki is holding him tight and he has nowhere to go.

Izuku calmed his senses, "Don't think like that Katsuki" he said before struggling to turn around; now facing the drunk actor.

Katsuki pressed his lips on the writers soft ones, making the smaller man jolt in surprise but then relaxed and kissed back.

Their tongues danced in a slick battle, getting more and more aggressive and hot. Slowly, they made it towards the bed while clinging to each other.

The blonde actor pushed the writer on the bed, lips never departing, and his hands roamed on his lover's body. Rubbing the curves and tracing the abdomen.

Izuku on the other hand moaned silently, saliva dripping off their mouth. He raised Katsuki's shirt and caressed his abs making the actor groan in pleasure. They finally gasped for air, "your thirsty aren't you" the writer said, his hair brushed up and his mouth swollen.

"You can say that...I haven't tasted you for already three months" he growled and pushed Izuku harder on the bed. He rubbed on him and smirked as he watched the writer tremble underneath him.

"Don't tease me damn it!" The green head exclaimed, doing his best not to moan and give the actor the satisfaction. "I can't let you when your drunk! You'll probably make me lose my ability to walk and tomorrow is an important day!" He reasoned out.

Nonetheless, the rubbing burned his cheeks red and aroused him very hard. Katsuki laughed, "Really? So you are planning to do this tomorrow to him huh?!" He said, rubbing faster.

The writer grabbed a pillow nearby and used it to cover his face since Katsuki is pinning him down by the shoulders.

"No! Though...I will if he wanted to" he said, pretty embarrassed.

"Fine" the actor stopped.

Izuku felt relieved and disappointed at the same time. "I just showered!" He whined.

Katsuki laughed and removed the pillow off his boyfriend's face and gave him a passionate kiss. "Then let's shower together"

Izuku sighed contentedly and smiled. "Curse you, you hot volcano" he said, letting the actor carry him in the bathroom.

"Heh, crybaby" Katsuki teased, giving another kiss.

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