Chapter 7: Nope

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'Why would I?' Momo thought with a light shrug to convince herself that it was the right thing to do.

She will protect Shouto even though she found out that he was not who she thought he was. He is still his boss and nothing can change that fact unless she was fired or Shouto was changed.

Momo let go of Hatsune's pink sleeve then beamed. "It's nice meeting you Ms. Mei" she said.

The pink haired girl chuckled and gave her a thumbs up. "Back at you too Ms. Yaoyorozu"

She watched as his crush's fiance strode past the crowd and into the large doors.

She sighed and grabbed a glass of wine at the passing by waiter then headed towards the empty terrace to watch what was happening down there.


Her smile was the cutest, that's what they say to her, so she kept on smiling every now and then.

She is an actress, a beautiful one and a professional too. She lived a life of luxury and fame with a lot of lovers to choose from. An almost perfect life.

But her darkest secret lies within her heart.

She was attracted to Katsuki Bakugou.

The spiky pale blonde hair and those red eyes. His manly personality and high dignity. She loved it all.

The only problem was... He is gay, and has a boyfriend. But that didn't stop her. She will make a man out of the one she loved, surely, Katsuki is still a man right?

That's where she planned and thought of various ways to make the blonde actor crave woman.

A smile was placed on her lips as she sat in her car, "can you please buy me r-18 videos and magazines?" She ordered her chauffeur. The man jolted, shocked at the wild demand.

He is Acelle Kakashi, a twenty five years old driver and this was his first time encountering a crazy demand plus he has felt a puppy love for her too.

"Why ma'am?" He asked, a blush creeping up his face.

She flicked her wrist and her hand made its way on her curly long hair. "Not much, its for a guy I knew" she said.

Acelle nodded and nervously driver towards a nearby video store. He glanced at his master and swallowed when she gestured for him to go.

And, this was his first time entering the r-18 section too.

With a deep sigh, he marched in and gazed around to make sure no one saw him enter the restricted-for-minors area. He jumped in, and found himself with some other older guys who chilled as they pass through the shelves of those videos.

A chill went up his spine as he went and grabbed five videos at random, then dived out immediately...taking a deep breath.

Acelle didn't dare look, only paid and dashed out back in the car.

He handed it to his master. "I got five video's ma'am" he said, voice trembling. She nodded and grabbed the paper bag. "Nice job, I'll raise your let's head for the magazines"

This day was a hell for poor Acelle.

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