Chapter Eleven

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I think confused, was an utter distortion. Michael received a thrill, slapping my shoulder and bursting into a song on how I was whipped, but I knew I wasn't. There was just something, a thing that was appealing about Blaze. No matter how many nights my pen scribbled across paper or endless amount of shots that slid down my throat; I couldn't unscramble it. Her eyes, boy her eyes screamed my name. They were a shade I don't believe was discovered yet; they were so, blue. And her nose, the way it settled so easily on her dull skin. Her hair, she never bothers with it. I admired how she doesn't care, how she'll put it in a braid or let it speak for itself. Damn, her taste of language. Words just escape her mouth with such liberty, and I don't get to do that.

"Luke." Calum shook my shoulder, until a cheeky smile swept across his face. "Are you thinking about her?"

"What?" I laughed gawkily, slighting coughing at the end. "No." Stiffening up, I softly shoved him away from me.

I extended my legs from beneath my chair, strolling over to my desk filled with incomplete songs. Calum sighed, rubbing his crimson cheeks. A crumbled sheet of paper designed with unfinished sentences and random words flew over my head and into my garbage can.

"You never told us what happened that night. You know when Mikey kicked you out so Rain and him could, you know, ah, frick- frickle frackle." Calum dramatically sighed, wandering over to me.

"Nothing." I brushed the topic away. "Nothing happened, I went home."

"Dude." Calum's voice sunk, transitioning into serious tone. "Don't fuck with me, you went somewhere else."

"I didn't!" I protested.

"Luke Robert Fucking-"

"Okay!" I shouted completely irked, rubbing my eyes before I faced him.

"I went- I went to Blaze's. Fine, you heard me say it. But I swear to lord Calum if you tell anyone I will show everyone the video of you twerking to Miley Cryus. Got it?" I threatened through clench teeth.

His lips curled up, a dimple popped out of his cheeks, "Whipped! Lukey is whipped! W-h-i-p-p-e-d, Whipped!" He cheered, raising his arms in victory.

"Oh fuck off." I groaned, titling my head backwards.

Calum wasn't right, I was whipped over Tiffany, not Blaze. She's just a phase, this is just a phase.

"Luke hun, come here." My mom called from the kitchen.

I fluttered my eyes open to the bright light of the living room, nonchalantly I lifted myself up from my couch. Exhaustion rested on my shoulders as I carried myself to the kitchen where several smells settled. My mom smiled at me, her hair neatly placed in a bun as her hands were decorated in sauces.

"Yes mom?" I inquired, siting down on the stool next to her.

"Sorry for waking you up baby, but I wanted to see if the Winters would enjoy dinner with us. Mind going over and asking. I mean they might be out in the city and all, but it's worth a shot!" She chirped, grinning to herself.

"Alright." I yawned, stretching out my arms before trotting towards the front door.

The brisk November air slapped me across my face, stripping all heat off of my body. The wind howled as it lifted the crunchy leaves that painted the concrete. The whole road was silent, nothing but fall's imprint and numerous cars illumined up the block. I kicked my way towards the leaves and branches and made my way to Blaze's front door. Before my hand touched the knob, I halted. An flare of screams and clashes of items startled me.

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