Chapter Three

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I hated change. I hated the fact my mother made the whole town believe that is what I needed. I hated the fact my mother striped me to the entire town, showcasing my twisted self to the judgmental environment. I hated that she told everyone that I was doing better; because I wasn't.

It's disgusting how she treats me like an alien because I have sad drawings that lingerer around my skin. I still had thoughts that roamed my mind, and words that escaped my mouth. Just because I was bruised didn't mean I wasn't human. And she can't seem to get that through her thick skull that making me feel worse about myself isn't going to heal my wounds.

I never meant for any of this to happen. I had that night so thoroughly planned within the five seconds I was rummaging through the cabinet. I had it set into my head, that I would cut the pain away. The doctor's words from that night still haunt me, that my mother raced into my bathroom at the right time. Overall, there never was a right time, because nothing the world offers is right. My eyes never meet any sunlight and my brain never turns off.

I didn't feel comfortable in this house, my room didn't even feel safe. My posters stuck to the ivory walls but I still didn't find anything creative. My mind has completely lost that. My fluorescent eyes still had no emotion behind them and darkness still sheltered them.

"Blaze." My mother's familiar tone bounced throughout my room.

I lifted up my eyes that were cast to that night's memory and met her hazel eyes.

"We have guest over and I want you to meet them, the nice lady brought over her son. You're going to need friends Blaze." She remarked as she exited my room expecting me follow.

I sighed heavily and lifted myself up from my comforter, my feet dragged along the cold ground. I listened to the sounds of her heels hitting the floor as I trailed after her into our newly decorated living room. My eyes bounced along the two foreign faces, regret already found its way into my mind.

"Hello darling, nice to finally meet you. My name is Liz and over here is my lovely son, Luke." Liz grinned, draping her arms over her son's broad shoulders.

Luke rolled his glassy cerulean eyes, irritated with his mother's gesture, "Hello Blaze."

"Ah-Hi, Luke." I awkwardly greeted him, I felt a fire on my cheeks and a soft laugh come from my mother.

"How about you show Luke your room Blaze." My mother's hands rested on my back as she pushed me towards the hallway.

I nodded my head, waiting for Luke to follow me down the hallway plastered with years of paintings and photos. Luke stumbled behind me, obviously too out of state to walk correctly. I attempted to ignore his drunken state as I led him into my room, letting his tall figure smash onto my bed.

"You're completely shitwasted." I huffed amusingly.

A groan left his pierced lips, his hands clashed with his redden cheeks.

"You know, I know thing or two about being wasted, slapping yourself isn't going to sober yourself up, Luke." I stated, plopping my body onto my floor.

I already concluded that Luke had an oblivious mother, or maybe she ignores the fact that something is wrong with him, like my mother used to do. I felt a sense of sadness for him, knowing how horrible a hangover can be. I crawled my way into my draw, snatching a container filled with Advil. Memories of the doctors handing this to my father after my stomach being pumped made me cringe.

"Here." I sighed, handing him the bottle.

He nodded his head, opening the cap and taking out two pills. I examined how he struggled to swallow the pills with such a dry mouth. He slammed his head onto my pillow, another groan filling the air.

He opened up his mouth, his tongue slid across his chapped lips, "I mean you're fit and everything but I have a girlfriend."

My eyes widen, shocked with his idea of what a thank you was, "You know, my mom can bake, do you want a cookie?"

"You suck at comebacks babe."

"First of all, it's Blaze and second of all, you suck at first impressions." I snapped.

"Feisty, like them like that." He whistled, a smirk painted on his face.

For a pretty face he surely was a waste of my time.

I ignored his last comment, letting him drown in his own triumph. His superior attitude reminded me too much of my dark past and I didn't need that. I didn't even want friends, and his remarks supported my final decision. My eyes didn't meet his, I wasn't going to have him feel satisfaction because of me. I felt him pierce his eyes to my face, but that wan't going to be the key to have me surrender.

Luke wasn't going to crack me.

My door creaked open, my face shot over to it, "Luke honey we have to go now, you have practice. Nice meeting you Blaze." Liz smiled, her tone still upbeat from twenty minutes ago.

Luke jumped off my bed, a smile lighting up his face. I didn't even bother to glare at him, he didn't deserve to know how I felt about him, After his body completely left my room I raced to my door to shut it.

With my luck, the person on the opposite side was stronger than me, having my door push back open.

"That was lovely babe." Luke smirked, leaning onto my door frame.

"Oh go fuck yourself Luke." I snapped, and with the laughter that left his mouth, he disappeared down the hallway.


Author's Note:

Thank you guys so much for the 100+ reads, it means so much to me! I apologize for any spelling or grammar mistakes my computer was acting like a little bitch. I hope you guys liked this chapter because idk i feel like it's sucky.

Well this week is going to be very busy for me, so I don't know when the next update would appear. But the comments, votes and reads mean so much to me! I hope you guys have a wonderful week.

And Luke is such an asshole lolol whatever.

Oh by the way, if you ever feel sad just look at Liam's selfies because oH MY GOD!

Let's see if we can get twenty votes and hundred reads again!

Stay Fabulous :-)

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