Chapter 12

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After multiple times crying for Zach I finally felt someone next to me.

"Listen to me Rain." He said softly, though I'm the only one who can hear him.

I nodded as he wiped away my tears.

"You need to stay calm, someone will find you soon." He assured me, his brown eyes staring into mine.

"Zach I'm scared." I whispered.

"I know." He replied hugging me.

Suddenly the trunk opened and Zach disappeared. The mysterious man picked me up and carried me somewhere.

Uncovering my face I realized I was in a dark candle lit room.

"Are you sure this is who we are gonna sacrifice?" Asked another man with bright blue eyes.

"Yes" replied another, harshness in his voice.

As they all removed their hoods from their face, I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Daniel? Jonah? Corbyn?" I said in shock as they started sharpening knives.

"Rain, sweet sweet Rain, you could've had any of us, but you chose Jack." Daniel giggled as he put a sharp knife up to my throat.

I could feel his minty breath on my neck.

"Is that mint?" I asked surprisingly.

"Actually it is, I've been trying this new- wait! That's not the point!" He said walking away as Jonah chained my hands to my chair.

"Guys please dont do this." I begged, my hands trying to break free.

"You lost your chance Rain." Jonah said as he grabbed a knife.

"You know what, I have an idea." Daniel smirked, looking at Jonah and Corbyn.

This can't be good.

"We will let you live."

"Oh my gosh thank you!" I sighed in relief.

"If, you do us one favor." He continued, still twisting the knife in his hands.

"What favor?" I replied.

"You get rid of Jack."

"What? No! I can't do that!" I answered.

"If you want to live Rain, Jack needs to be out of the picture." Daniel smirked.

I nodded as tears flowed down my face. Its life or death.

"Good." Jonah said as he cut the chains off my wrist.

They escorted me out and told how to get home. I thought about what to do about Jack.

How am I supposed to tell him I'm pregnant? I can't raise a baby on my own, well, if the guys let me live.

As my mind fought over leaving Jack or lying to the boys, I placed my hand over my stomach.

"I'm so sorry baby." I whispered as I walked into the driveway.

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