Chapter 10

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[Zach's POV]

Walking up to the gates I let out a deep breath, I miss home.

"You Ok Zach?" Hazel, a guardian angel, asked as she opened the gates.

"Yeah." I lied, which an angel should never do.

She looked at me with a face of misbelief.

"Zach, its ok to miss home, but remember, you are now Rain's guardian angel." She reminded me.

Looking back down at Earth, I watched Rain as she got in Jack's car to drive back to the mansion she now lives in with Jack.

It was so nice talking to her again, I missed our talks. Turning back towards the gates, I headed straight to my favorite place to sit.

It was a little aways, and I couldn't fly because I hadn't figured out how to use my wings yet.

I finally got to the giant Willow tree and went and sat under it.

"Uncle Zach!" I heard my niece yell as she ran to come sit with me.

I was too scared to tell Rain that she had been pregnant around the time of my death. She had miscarried after she fell into her deep depression and stopped eating.

"Hey sunshine!" I smiled pulling her into my lap.

"Did you see mommy today?" She asked, her wide brown eyes full of curiosity.

"I did! And I saw daddy!" I told her in pretend shock.

She smiled the biggest smile ever and laid her head on my chest.

"Ashlyn." A voice said as it walked towards us.

It was an angel ready to bring her back to the baby angels home.

"Bye uncle Zach." She frowned.

"Bye sunshine." I waved, a slight smile on my face.

Rain would've been such a great mom. Getting up from the tree, my headed to my little house hidden in the magic forest down the little stone path.

I got home and headed straight to my magic angel mirror.

"Show me Rain." I smiled.

The mirror showed Rain sitting outside in the grass, picking flowers like she used to. It made my heart warm knowing she wasn't upset anymore.

"Show me Jack."

Suddenly, my heart dropped for Rain, she doesn't deserve this. There in my mirror, was Jack Avery with another girl.

I wanted to go and tell her, but she doesn't need me at the moment. I tried to figure out what to do, but I can't do anything unless she wants or needs me.

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