"I said get him not hell my head off!" His mom smacked him with the kitchen towel but the yell was effective anyway because Noh came charging in a few seconds later.

"What is it?"

"Your on dinner duty."

"Oh? Dinner already?" He whipped out his phone and made a call, spoke quietly into it. "Ok. Can we make it a light one Mom? We're both still a bit full."

"Ok. I'll put everything in the fridge so if you need it later, it's there. Now come organize yourselves."

Noh followed Phun into the kitchen and came face to face with Lea. She smiled at him so he smiled back. 

"Did everything go well today?"

"Oh yes it did." Noh responded distractedly.

"Oh good then we can all have dinner. I look forward to getting to know you better."

"Actually I'm having a working dinner. Sorry. I have somethings to work on tonight while I still can."

"Oh," she said dejectedly.

"Sorry. Really sorry. I may have to steal Mick too to be honest. I need to discuss some things with him."

"It couldn't wait?"

"Um no. Actually we're on a time crunch. They don't wait on us. Waiting means we both lose money. They have tons of money. We don't and there are always hidden fines that come with us missing our deadlines and such. Sorry but when I'm free, I'm free, but when I'm not, I am really not."

"Oh. Is it really that serious?"

"This is my living. I literally always have lyrics in my head now and if I don't get them out, then they bug me. It's hard to describe but I need to write them down."

"Mom have you ever googled Noh?" Min said from the door. "He's famous for his writing and his singing. I looked him up before we came because it's been a while for me. I didn't really have much time to keep track of stars and such this last year. I looked up the band to see what they were up too. Sorry Noh," She suddenly turned to him. "Mick did ask me to vote and I did but not much else."

"That's ok. Your not obligated." Noh smiled, now suspecting that there were lies mixed in her truth.

"Thanks. Anyway mom, let me show you. Here." She whipped out her phone and pulled up information sites about Elevation. Noh grabbed the food and slinked out. Lea read as much as she could and ever borrowed her daughter's phone. She never realized the business of making music was so extensive. There were so many people involved and even her son was now a part of that process. 

Mick showed up halfway through dinner. His father immediately started the inquisition. In their home, everyone ate together. It was a must when he was home. This situation shouldn't be any different. Before Mick could open his mouth to explain what he was doing, Lea came to his defence.

"He was working with Noh dear. They seem to be working on some very time sensitive material. I just read that an album is supposed to come out on the day of the Western New Year and then another later this year and that isn't easy to accomplish. They have deadlines to meet."

"But this is the holiday." Kerry insisted.

"Everything was done but they wanted some last minute approvals which is a great thing because a couple songs came out all wrong." Mick explained earnestly. "That's what we've been working on. We're using at lot of the Phumipat's facilities and they haven't complained dad. Missing dinner isn't that hurrendus in the grand scheme of things."

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