Chapter 19

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The next day when I woke up and went downstairs I noticed the news on the tv, listening to it as I began to pour myself some cereal.

"Yesterday, at West Haven Highschool a young girl collapsed in front of the school-" I stopped pouring my cereal, and walked out into the living room to see my mother standing in front of the couch

"Honey come here, isn't that one of your friends?" She asked stepping aside showing me what was on TV

I froze in my spot, dropping the bowl I held in my hands in the process. Without thinking I quickly ran out of the house and over to Hunter and Levi's to find out if they knew. I knocked frantically on the door, not caring that I was only wearing a tank top and shorts. When someone finally opened up the door I walked in to see Hunter and Levi watching the news.

"Guys, I knew something was wrong" I spoke as I walked over to them

They both turned toward me, eyes widening, before coming over to me

"Skye, you were right, something was wrong," Levi said glancing at the TV screen

I looked back at the news, watching as they showed photos from the crime scene, causing me to look away not wanting those images of her like that in my mind.

"The police are still trying to find out who did this to her and why. If anyone thinks they have any information please contact the police station"

After the news ended I went back over to my house to get ready for school only to be stopped by my mother

"Skye, if you don't want to go to school today you don't-"

"Mom I'm going to school, I'll be fine," I said cutting her off as I walked out of the house, finally dressed

When I walked the sidewalk I noticed Hunter and Levi waiting for me, smiling at them, I went up to them and started to walk together.

"I still can't believe they are both gone now" Hunter started "I mean, they just were gone like that"

As we continued to walk my eyes drifted towards the path, almost like it wanted me to go down there.

"Hey, do you think that you guys can go ahead and head to school and I'll just meet you there," I asked rubbing the back of the neck, stopping in my tracks

"Sur- Wait, Skye no, no you're not going down that path," Levi said knowing what I was going to do

"Please, let me go I need to go down it" I begged."Levi go with me if you don't trust me enough"

"Skye, we have to get to school, come on," Hunter said looking at me and Levi.

"Fine," I said dropping my bag and taking off sprinting towards the path.

"Skye! No! Wait!" Levi yelled, but I wasn't going to let him stop me.

I ducked under branches and tried not to trip over roots, I stopped running once I reached the hill where I rolled down and looked behind me, hoping I wouldn't see either of them

"Skye!!" Someone yelled.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled back at them and ran down the small cement staircase almost tripping from stepping on my shoes.

Once I had reached the base I turned right and headed into the field, hoping to lose them.

"Skye! Wait!" I heard Levi yell.

I looked behind me and saw him standing at the edge of the field.

"I'm sorry, but I need to be alone," I said and ran further into the field knowing he wasn't going to follow me

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