Chapter 12

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*This is honestly my favorite chapter for some reason* 


"Ally?" I asked slowly walking to the corpse "Are you sure she's dead?"

"I don't know Skye it looks it like!" Cole snapped "Who did this! She would never do this! She would have no reason to!"

"Cole, I have no idea what happened or who did this. We were her friends and you know that" Luke said getting defensive of me.

"I don't know who did this but I will find out who did!" Cole yelled before storming off.

"It's ok Skye," Levi said putting a hand on my shoulder, but I still stood there in shock about everything

"I-Is she dead?" I asked again

"We don't know but we think she is," Hunter said.

"O-Ok" I shocked

"I'm going to go find Cole," Hunter said before he walked off into the darkness

After a few minutes of standing there in silence, Levi said

"Come on Skye, let's go before your mom notices we're gone "


"Where were you guys?" My mom asked as me and Levi walked in

"We were walking down the street since it was nice out" I answered as I closed the door

"Skye, what happened? Why are you limping?!" My mom questioned walking towards me

"I'm fine, I just tripped on the way back"

She gave us a questioning look before saying

"Alright, don't be going out without telling me again"


I went ahead and made my way up to my room while Levi went to get a glass of water from the kitchen. As I made it up to my room I heard light talking from behind the door, since I like to eavesdrop that what I did.

"You need to stay here Cole. You're too irrational to talk to your mother, you can't go to her like this!"

"I need to go home, I can't stand to look at Skye!"

I leaned my head against the door and thought about everything. I was the reason that Ally died, I was the one who wanted to go down the path. I was the one who moved here and made everything worse. As I felt tears brim my eyes I heard a small ringing from inside the room, I lifted my head and listened again.

Bring Bring

I quickly realized it my phone, I wiped my eyes with the sleeves of my black shirt and then walked in. When I walked in I could instantly feel the tension in the air, as I looked at Cole I saw his eyes were puffy and red from crying.

I'm sorry

I was brought out of my thoughts when my phone stopped ringing. I looked at my phone, picked it up and unlocked it to see I had 20 missed calls from Cali, 50 messages from her most of them consisted of "Answer me!", "I need to talk to you now!", "Skye this is important!", "Skye! Answer me!". After I read the messages I quickly went to my contacts and called her

"Skye! Why weren't you answering my calls and what took you so long!" Cali asked with a hint of sadness in her voice

"I'm sorry I was out doing something," I said glancing at Hunter and Cole

"So what did you want to tell me?" I continued

"Do you remember Thomas Lake?"

"Of course, I've only been gone 8 months Cali-"

"He committed suicide today." She said cutting me off


"Yeah, but no one knows why. There wasn't a note, and everyone's saying it was because you left"

"Really? And do you believe it?" I asked my voice breaking just a little bit

"I don't know, he did seem depressed once you left and getting kicked off the baseball team probably didn't help"

"He got kicked off? Why?!"

"He was depressed and he wasn't going to any of the games"

"And it's all my fault"

"Skye, it's not. It's was probably something else, you know how his family life was" Cali said kindly

"Yeah, I know but if I wouldn't have left and come here I would have been there and he wouldn't have died," I said as tears brimmed my eyes 

"Hey Skye, I got to go," Cali said before hanging up

After she hung up I felt something wet fall down my face, knowing I wiped away a tear.

"Skye, What's wrong?" Levi asked as she walked into the room

"What? Oh, nothing I'm fine" I said sitting my phone on my bed next to me.

"No, you're not. Tell us what's wrong" Hunter said standing up and coming over to me

"Just stuff that happened in California while I was gone and it's all my fault"

"Of course it is" Cole mumbled

"It's not your fault for whatever happened," Levi said putting a hand on my shoulder and glaring at Cole

"Yes, it is! Everything has been my fault, I've tried to help people and made everything worse" I yelled as I stood up and walked towards the door


"Don't touch me!" I snapped at Levi as he grabbed my arm

He quickly pulled away, and let me walk out of my door. I walked into my bathroom and cried thinking about everything

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