Chapter 8

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After the final bell had rung I ran home somewhat excited for everyone to come over, since they would hopefully believe me, but then slightly nervous because if nothing happened then they would think I was crazy.

"Mom! I need to ask you something!" I asked as my voice echoed throughout the home

"I'm in the kitchen!" She replied

As I walked into the kitchen I sat my bag on the kitchen table

"What is?" She asked icing a chocolate cake.

"I was wondering if my friends can spend the night tonight," I asked walking over to her and sticking my finger in a bowl of icing

"Who are you friends, and what's their gender?" She asked not paying attention to me

"Ally and Aileen who are girls, and Levi, Hunter, and Cole who are guys"

"Ally and Aileen can, but you know you're father's rules. No boys in the house."

"Please, mom. It's for a science project" I begged as I ate more icing

"And what is the science project?" She asked stopping what she was doing to look at me

"It's over the periodic table. We have to label every element and then draw it and then make a poster for them"

She gave me a questioning look, but the nodded her head.

"I guess they can spend the night, but I hear anything I shouldn't hear then I'm coming up and kicking them out," She said going back to her cake

"Thank you, mom!" I yelled hugging her from behind and then running up to my room to text them

Group Chat ( Turtles)

Me: My mom said that you guys can come over I used that project trick.

Ally texting...

Ally: Wow that actually worked?

Me: Yeah:

Levi texting...

Levi: Cool me and Hunter will be over in 10 minutes.

Me: K

Ally texting...

Ally: Me and Cole will be over in 20. We are going to stop in town because he wants to go by The Frozen Palace. You guys want anything?

Me: Can I get an extra large blue cotton candy and Birthday cake mixed with pound cake and marshmallow fluff? I'm in a diabetes mood today.

Ally: Lmao and sure.

Levi texting...

Levi: Hunter wants a salted caramel milkshake and I want what Skye is getting I am in the same diabetes mood.

Ally: Got it, I'll see you all later.


After everyone had gotten arrived, and I got my ice cream, we went up to my room and sat on my floor well me, Levi and Hunter sat on the bed and Ally and Cole sat on the floor. For some reason, Aileen had seen our text and had never shown up.

"So, where is Gracie?" Ally asked taking a bite of her red velvet ice cream.

"She's in her room playing with Jack and Samantha," I said taking a bite of my ice cream

"Call her in here"

"Grace! Get in here!" I yelled making sure she heard me

"You talk to your sister like that?" Levi asked looking at me

"Yeah, but she talks to me like that too, and it's adorable," I said taking another bite of my ice cream.

I heard my door open and I saw Gracie standing there 'holding' someone's hand.

"Yea?" She asked tilting her head like a dog.

"Who are you holding hands with?" Ally asked her

"Samantha tells me not to talk to you. She says you're a bitch" Gracie replied

"And she says you three are douchebags and that Skye shouldn't talk or trust you" Gracie continued

"Gracie!" I scolded

"Samantha says I need to go, I'll see you all later," She said skipping out of the room and heading downstairs.

"Ok, so you weren't lying about your sister, she is crazy," Cole said looking at me with wide eyes.

"Told you," I said with a smile before taking another bite of my ice cream.

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