Chapter 1

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Home. I already miss it so much, Arcata, California, it was my home for 16 years and I loved it to death; the warm sunny weather, the beautiful redwood forest, and of course my friends that have been with me for as long as I can remember, but I'm leaving that all behind, because my parents got a photography job in a place named West Haven. It's located in Connecticut and according to my parents, it's going to be a lot rainier and cooler there which did make me a little happier.

I sit in the back of my mom's old red car next to my younger siblings Jack who is 14 and Gracie 7. I laugh as they argue over who gets to listen to music since my mother made them share a small pink iPod so Gracie can learn what it means to share.

"No, it's my turn! Give it!" Gracie demanded as she tried to pry the iPod from Jack's slim fingers

"No, you just listened to it! It's mine!" Jack said sternly as he held the small device tighter

"Skye, can you please deal with this? I have a headache and I don't want your father to miss the exit" My mother asked tiredly as she rubbed her temples

"But this is funny," I chuckled while watching them fight

"Skye," My father spoke sternly as he looked at me through the rearview mirror making me nod since I was just a little scared of him

I reached over to Jack and grabbed the iPod from his hand.

"None of you get to listen to it until we get there," I said putting it in my bra since neither of them would dare to get

"You suck!" Jack mumbled crossing his arm, but I just rolled my eyes and unlocked my phone

I brought my black Bluetooth headphones up to my head and turned up the music playing on my phone drowning out everything. I leaned my head on the window, my eyes watched as cars passed us on the turnpike, and as trees passed as well, before inevitably falling asleep.


"Skye dear, were are here" I heard my mother's soft voice say waking me up

My eyes fluttered open to see our new house, I had to admit, the house did look beautiful. Flowers surrounded a beautiful small stone walkway that leads from the sidewalk to the old wooden porch which had a worn out wooden swing that looked like t could break at any second. There was even a balcony on the upper floor that I for sure would not trust with my life, but the best part was the big oak trees that surrounded the left side and the back of the home making it look as if I was in a movie.

"It looks even prettier than the picture honey," My mom said happily as she looked at the large house

I got out of the car my eyes immediately looking down the road to see a family coming towards us causing me to shake my head, slightly annoyed that people are already coming up to us. I closed my door: zipped up my maroon jacket, put my black headphones around my neck, and went to the trunk to get my boxes.

"Skye come here and meet the neighbors" My mom spoke gleefully as she waved her hand at me telling me to come over to her

I lightly sat down the cardboard box that held my books and walked over to my parents to see them talking to a family of four. The mother looked to be in her late forties and had beautiful short blonde hair and blue eyes. She wore a yellow sundress with pink flowers on it and white heels, making her almost as tall as her husband. The father was most likely in his early fifties and had graying brown hair, and brown eyes, he just wore a white t-shirt, jeans, and brown house shoes, showing his tall height. They also had 2 children, both boys and each boy looked like one of their parents.

The tallest boy looked almost identical to his father, brown hair, brown eyes and was maybe a few inches taller than me, he wore a hoodie that read West Haven High on it and a wolf, which was probably the mascot, dark blue jeans, and black running shoes. The other boy was identical to his mother, blonde hair, blue eyes, and was the same height as me, but he just wore a plain white zipped up jacket, jeans, and white running shoes.

"Skye, this is the Lakewoods. This is my daughter Skye" My mom stated putting a hand on my shoulder making me come closer.

"Hi, I'm Sarah, and this is my husband Richard," The mother said pointing to the husband

"This is Levi," She said pointing to the blonde haired boy

"And this is Hunter" She continued as she pointed to the brown haired boy

Even though I was shy and annoyed by all this I decided to be friendly and wave at the boys which earned me a smile by both of them.

"So, where did you all move from?" The dad, Richard asked actually interested

"Arcata, California." My mother replied as she looked at my father

"Why on earth would you want to move from there?!" The mother questioned , as she put her hand on her chest.

"Well, my husband and I wanted to get a photography job here-"

While they continued talking I turned around, picked up the boxes, and then walked to the house. When I opened the door I felt a burst of cool air pass me, and the smell of something rotting filled my nose, making me feel as if I was going to puke. The inside of the house looked older than the outside, when you walked in you could see a very old kitchen that had beige wallpaper with a flower-like pattern on it, wooden cabinets, and white countertops along with a white dining table and white chairs.

I looked to my left and saw the living room with a huge television that the movers had already put in, and a black sectional couch placed in front of it. To my right was a black spiral staircase that leads upstairs, which I actually thought was pretty. After the struggle of getting upstairs with 2 boxes, I saw what the hallway looked like, there were 7 rooms, 5 of them must have been the bedrooms and the last 2 where hopefully the bathroom.

There was also a really soft white carpet, that would most likely soon be ruined after a few days, covering the flooring of the hallway. I sat the boxes down and opened the door that was closest to the stairs, and saw it was a small bedroom with light blue wallpaper and stuff that made it look like a kids room. I opened the door that was next to it and I kept doing it until I came across 2 big bedrooms, of course, I picked the first one I came to because I have a lot of stuff. The room had already had a desk, a queen-sized bed, and a bookshelf in it, because of the previous owners. I sat my boxes near my door and decided to go out and get the rest so I won't have to make so many trips after I get stuff unpacked.

West Haven|✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें