Chapter one

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"Wow so amazing".
I said. I was in wonderland and everything was so beautiful. Ice creams,chocolates and lots of confectionery's were every where. The house was even made out of chocolate!!!
I had no worries and everything seemed perfect not until....

"Zoe"!!!. I heard someone scream my name interrupting my beautiful sleep. Wait so everything was a dream?


"Shit". In yelled followed by a loud thud and that loud thud was me falling from my bed. I winced in pain then I heard giggles.

"What a great way to start a day". I said through my teeth and looked up to see my immediate elder sister Mufeedah. She is a very pretty girl at the age of twenty two. She had a light blue sari which fitted her colour perfectly and wrapped her hair with a light blue scarf. She had large brown eyes with long lashes,a pointed nose,a flat small pretty lips and a white perfect set of teeth which glistened as she laughed.

"I'm so sorry....but you should......have seen.....seen the way you fell". She said in between her pretty laughter she tried to control.

"Yeah yeah and that wouldn't have happened if someone didn't scream my name so loudly and interrupted my beautiful dream". I said sticking out my hand which mufeedah took and pulled me up back to my bed where she sat on.

"Hey, I said am sorry. Its not like I didn't say it softly. I heard you whispering something about ice cream and I knew that if I don't wake you up this way, there wouldn't be another method". She said while getting down from my bed and heading towards the door.

"Better get ready you only have fifteen minutes to get downstairs, if you don't want to be late and oh! everyone has started breakfast if I were you I would be running towards my bathroom door cause I have a father who abides by punctuality". She said while swinging the door open. I knotted my eyebrows in confusion

"Late for what,its Saturday". I said racking my brain for a clue of what she's saying.

"Oh God, Zoe don't tell me you forgot". Mufeedah said throwing her hands into the air "it's Mia's child's dedication". She said while giving me the "like seriously" look.

"Oh yeah, that....I thought its next week". I said looking at my calendar on the wall which was circled in bright red marker "Sumaiya's child dedication". Sumaiya was the first child of our family,she got married two years ago. She gave birth a week ago.

"Just get ready and mum said put on something flashy. Remember you only got fifteen minutes and your time's ticking". She said while slamming the door behind her.

"Yeah yeah". I said while rolling my eyes and getting up to go to the bathroom when I noticed something that caught my eyes. The bright red liquid which laid on my White sheets and then I looked down on my mickey mouse pajamas trousers and saw a replica of what I saw on the bed.

"Oh man!.. Why do you have to show up today". I said getting angry. Don't get me wrong but I hate mensuration cause it keeps me uncomfortable and gives me bad cramps. I sighed and shrugged accepting nature. I wondered how Mufeedah didn't see it, or she didn't want to tell me. I slipped out of my pajamas and tied a towel and then peeled off the sheets of my mattress and took the two into the toilet, grabbed two empty buckets and soaked each separately. Its not as if the house keeper wouldn't take care of that. With that I quickly brushed my teeth and took a bath,rubbed some cream and threw on a black Abaya that i got for my 19th birthday and wrapped my hair with a pink scarf and wore a pink sandal. I grabbed my purse and stuffed in some extra pad,mint chewing gum,my keys,some money and my sunglasses with that I jogged downstairs

"Stop doing that Zaynab"!!. Mum said pointing a finger towards the last set of twins in our house. Zaynab was a twin to Zinayd and unlike Zinayd who was calm and collected, Zaynab was a terrorist. Mufeedah took a sharp breath as she saw me walking down the stairs,she knew that mum will not like my clothing sense, but I didn't mind. I am twenty so I'm old enough to make my own decisions. I pulled out a chair and sat in between Habibah by my left and mum by my right while dad sat after mum by the right then Mufeedah across mum, the twins sat beside each other.

"Good morning dad, good morning mum". I said while taking my seat.
Mum raised her head from her food to respond to my greeting

"How was.........." She said while shocked at my dressing.

"Why are you dressed this way"??. She asked putting her spoon down.

"It's just an Abaya,its not as if I'm naked". I said while grabbing and empty plate and filling it with my breakfast. I was really hungry and the cramps racked my belly. Mum just looked at me and shook her head back and forth in disapproval, she started saying something but she stopped.

"Dad good morning". I repeated. I didn't know if he nodded his head in response or it was the movement of his head as he chewed his food.

"Why did you come down late? Don't you know as her family we ought to be there first"?. He asked with a scowl on his face while peering deep into my eyes.

Okay so this was my dad a millionaire who owned Lee holdings which was a cable company. He was a dark skin man who had a small stature and wanted everything to be done according to his order. He was a man who spoke little and had questioning eyes. He hates lateness, laziness and all other things which are considered inappropriate.

"Am sorry, I was.........". I started to explain my reason for coming late but then i was cut short.

"I don't want to hear it and you've only got five minutes to finish whatever unnecessary thing you are doing" and with that dad took a sip of his water and walked out of the dining room.

"Why did you dress like this"?.mum still asked.

"Cause she wants to mum and besides she can make her own decisions". Mufeedah said sticking up for me. But mum looked at her in anger.

"But that doesn't mean she can't make mistakes and as her mother I can't correct her". Mum said while she shot a glance at mufeedah.

"Just saying". Mufeedah shrugged in defence. So meet my mum who is Mrs Hajara Aliyu the wife to Mr Aliyu of Lee holdings. Mum was an extravagant woman who loves fashion. She always has a reputation to keep. She was a beautiful, chubby, short woman who was light skinned and has a gold tooth. She can get real cranky and annoying at times but deep down she was a loving mother.

"You haven't got all day". Dad shouted even though the mansion was big.

"Let's go, Zoeya bring the children". Mum said while applying a large amount of hand sanitizer on her hands before leaving the dining room.

I rolled my hands as I grabbed my younger ones who were Zaynab and Zinayd. They were both ten years of age. They look really cute but they were always up to something most especially Zaynab.

"Zoe I love your clothes". Said Zaynab while I held her hands. I smiled while saying.

"Thank you dear". Holding Zaynab by my right and Zinayd my left, we marched out of the dining room followed by Mufeedah and Habiba who was my immediate younger sister at 18 who was always on the phone. She was chubby like mum but pretty too. She looked like dad but had mom's features. She equally liked fashion and knew the latest trends and was always on the phone.

"Watch where you are going, I've told you to stop chatting while walking". Mufeedah scolded Habiba.

"Sorry I'm just checking Kylie Jenner's page, seems like she has a new lipstick collection". Habiba said never taking her eyes off her phone. I rolled my eyes Habibah was a huuuggee fan of Kylie Jenner.

"It's not like she knows you exist". Mufeedah said while shutting the front door.

"Who doesn't know  the prettiest of the  Aliyu daughters". Habibah said while twirling in her dark green sari

"Who is also fat". Mufeedah said while we approached the car. Dad was at the back of his car with mum who had sunglasses on even though it wasn't sunny and telling the driver something while me, mufeedah, Habibah,and the twins went in another car which was a lot bigger than dad and mum's. Mufeedah hopped onto the front seat beside the driver while I sat at the left side of the back seat of the car with the twins in between leaving Habiba at the right side of the back seat still on her iPhone 7+.

"I'm not fat am just chubby". Said Habibah she hated being called fat cause just like celebrities she always wanted to be slim but it seems like its nature.
With that our driver sped of out of the compound directly following  dad's car.
I could still hear Habiba grumbling about just being chubby as she put on her seat belt.

A/N; Thoughts on this chapter?

My Life in Pieces✔️:#projectNigeriaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon