Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


Three weeks later…

I climb down the steps of the plane. Where I am greeted by Jack’s smile.

“It’s great to see you again.”

I say, as he hugs me tight. I don’t want to let go, I wanna stay here forever and hug him as tight as I can.

“Welcome back.”

He greets, he looked happy, yet bothered, he was hiding something from me, I had to get it out of him.

“Jack, what’s wrong?”

I ask, hoping that I don’t push him too hard.

He grunts, realizing that I had found out.

“Well… it’s Anna…”

He follows, as we start walking to the entrance of the airport.

“She’s become… popular.”

He groans, looking at me. I blink.

“And that’s… bad?”

I ask, as he stares at me.

“Yes!!! If she stays with Snow and Cinderella too long… then she’s going to turn into a bi--”

He stops himself, I purse my lips as I look at him, he covers his mouth.


I whimpers, I brush his whit hair.


I forgive him. As he walks along in silence.


I say, he sighs, knowing that I would ask him. He inhales and starts

“It all started when I told Anna, Merida and Rapunzel that you were coming home in three weeks.”

“And Anna suggested that we throw you a party, so we did—we prepared you an awesome party.”

“But Anna got carried away, she must’ve been so happy that you were coming back,”

“So, she asked everyone to help… and eventually, Snow and Cinderella got involved, so Anna started asking them, how to throw a decent party.”

“And they told her everything, but she’s still with them… up to now… talking with them… and turning into one of them.”

He finishes. I blink at him.

“I don’t care, Anna is still my sister. No matter how she dresses, or acts.”

I mutter, tears streaming down my cheeks as I think about her. Jack immediately reacts,

“Well, why don’t we get you home to her at once, before you burst in tears.”

He comforts me, as I wipe my tears and enter the tall, glass-covered building.

“Time to go.”

Jack reminds me. opening the car door for me, I slide in, as he does, too.

As I black out.

“Elsa, wake up.”

Jack shakes me awake.

“We are here.”

“We are?”


I enter the main entrance, as I’m greet by Merida and Rapunzel, I could see that there was only one person missing, Anna.

After I was greeted… and hugged. I was escorted back to my old room by Jack,

“Good night.”

He says, kissing my forehead as he lets himself out.

I crash on my bed. And fall asleep.

Nobody bothered to wake me up, and I see Anna sitting on the couch, staring at me, disgusted.


I gasp, letting myself jump on her and hugging her. But, she pulls away.

“GROSS!!! You just woke up, and you’re going to start hugging me?”

She screams, as I sit up and back away from her.

That’s not Anna… could this be a dream? Was I still asleep or awake, seeing my sister, Anna turning into a complete bitch.

“Yes! You’re my sister. And I’m not going to bother showering before I even hug you!!”

I reply to her stupid comment, angrily and happily at the same time.


Merida steps into the room, holding a tray in her hands, and placing it gently on my bed, right in front of me.

“Hello, Marie.”

Anna greets, not knowing that her name was Merida.

“Umm, it’s Merida.”

Merida corrects, as Anna puts on an annoyed face.

“Whatever, and what’s wrong with your hair?”

Anna asks, tugging it roughly that it plucked off.


Merida shouts, pushing Anna away from her.

This is getting out of hand… I can’t imagine that Anna could change this much in three weeks.

“Ugh!!! You ruined my day!! and it was just starting!!”

“The only reason I came was to say ‘hello’ to my sister, Emma!!!”

She shouts, as she stomps out of the door.

“Can you believe that she is your sister?”

Merida asked. As my hopes drop down to zero.

“No, she isn’t my sister anymore.”

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