Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


I wake up seeing Anna’s bed tidied up and empty.

Wow, she lets stuff go really fast.

I think as I hear a thud coming from downstairs, I put on my ice coloured robe and quickly rush down the stairs,

“Anna, what are you doing?!?”

I scream. The noise of kitchen pots gets louder as if she was trying to get up but accidentally knock over a few more.

And I was right. She was standing in the middle of the kitchen with pots, bowl, pans and plates scattered everywhere, a cooking book messily opened on the counter and ingredients cut open and placed roughly on the kitchen table. I step over all the kitchenware and manage to make it in front of Anna.

“Sorry Elsa, I was just trying to… well, cook a delicious breakfast for us.”

She says guiltily. I pat her head.

“it’s okay. C’mon, let’s clean up the mess that you made.”

I say as I start picking up some pots and pans near my feet. Anna cheerfully follows and picks up as many as things she could carry.

After we finish cleaning up, I open the cabinet and get a large mixing bowl(yes, I know how to cook!).

“Anna! Where are you?”

I ask, putting down the bowl gently on the clean counter. Anna comes into the kitchen,

“So, what are we going to cook?”

She asks excitedly.

“Pancakes, bacon and eggs and hot chocolate.”

I reply, adding a grin and cracking an egg as I close the cook book and keep it under the counter into the cupboard.

I drop the liquidy(is that’s even a word!) egg into the mixing bowl. Anna hands me a big sack of flour, I cut it open and pour around 3 cups of it and tell her to go get the wooden spoon that’s used for mixing. She hands me all the ingredients I need.

It looks like she woke up really early just to memorize the ingredients for pancakes…

I think, as Anna puts on a chef hat on my head and giggles.


She grins, as she ties her messy hair into a bun after fixing her apron.

After we make a delicious breakfast for almost all our servants, I head upstairs with Anna following me up the stairs.

“It seems like you want to watch romance movies with me today.”

I grin, Anna returns the smile, as we both settle down on the velvet couch and turn on the TV.

Anna quickly stands up.

“I’ll go get the popcorn!”

She says, as she happily skips downstairs to the kitchen and grabs the popcorn. She rushes up the stairs to get back on the soft couch next to me.

A few hours later, I turn off the TV and place the remote gently on the table next to the couch we were sitting on. I shift uncomfortably because Anna was leaning on me, I jerk my head towards her face to see if she was asleep.

“Yup, she’s asleep.”

I smile, she still looked like the 5-year-old girl who begged me to build a snowman with her for like, thirteen years.

“How cute.”

I whisper. As I lean closer to her ear.

“Sweet dreams, Anna.”

Author’s note:

Oh shit! I forgot to tell you, Anna hasn’t really gotten over the break up… I just can’t write about it just yet bcuz Elsa is still the one narrating. :P…

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