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Baekhyun lay in bed, with a growing baby bump of eight months closing in. Tomorrow would make him successfully nine months pregnant and his little monsters would be popping out. But would their mother be with them or would he lose hope.
The gorgeous abnormal boy was sick beyond repair. He shrunk into a more smaller frame and rarely ever woke up. His cure was oceans away though it felt like he was just next to him.

Baekhyun fluttered his eyes open as he scanned the gloomy room. Sighs escaped his parched lips as he tried to close his eye lids. But a huge silhouette of a person entered the room as it came closer and closer and plopped next Baekhyun.

"Hey...I...I missed you." The deep velvety voice broke and kissed the back of the pale palm.

"Yeo....Yeolah..You..." Baekhyun whispered through the oxygen mask.

"I came. Just like you wanted. More awesomely." Chanyeol sniffled.

"I'm sorry...." Baekhyun tightly gripped his husbands hand.

"Why My Peach?" Chanyeol asked softly caressesing the soft cheek.

"I should have.....listened to you....and tried to stay healthy. Silly me." Baekhyun smiled crying and went into a choking fit.

"Hey. No no... For once stop blaming your self always." The taller kissed his forehead as he wrapped an arm around Baekhyun.

"Yeolah...You...You still love me right?" The smaller asked as tears flowed down his once chubby cheeks.

"More than you ever know." Chanyeol whispered as the snuggled together and fell asleep.

"CHANYEOL ARE CRAZY? HE'D DIE WITHOUT THAT." Mrs Park shouted as she saw her son removing the oxygen mask.

"Relax mom." Chanyeol smiled carrying Baekhyun bridal style and going to the bathroom.

"Pheww your going to shower. Idiot Chan." She chuckled as she left.

"Yeolah I......I can't breath." Baekhyun whispered as Chanyeol played him on the bathtub.

"Hush my butter milk." Chanyeol smiled as he filled the tub with warm water.

"I really can't Yeolah." Baekhyun started crying as his husband removed his clothes.

"Just look into my eyes and everything would be fine." His husbands deep voice sounded as Chanyeol started washing his pregnant boyfriend.

"Yeolah....I...I really can't..anymore." Baekhyun gasped as he was dried and carried back to the bed.

"Sleep and lift your legs." Chanyeol ordered putting on his wifes oxygen mask on.

"Yeolah!!! Kiss me." The smaller wined as Chanyeol dressed him his boxer, so he kissed his thighs and patted it going to get a shirt.
"Not....On...My thigh you titan. On my lips." Baekhyun kicked Chanyeols chest.

Chanyeol kissed his pointer and middled finger as he removed the mask and pressed them on Baekhyuns lips. So after placing the mask on again.

"I'll kiss you when you are able to breath properly again. Okay. And that means eat and drink your pills." Chanyeol kissed his wifes mole on the cheek.
"Awe. I cant even button my shirt on you. My babies have grown." The soon to be father cooed nuzzling his nose on Baekhyuns baby bump.

Week passed and Chanyeol had to go get something done at his fathers company. Yoora had left for a photo shoot and Mrs Park was at a conference. Baekhyun had been quite fine and healthy and as he was sleep Chanyeol thought he'd run off to the company and be back in an hour. But things at home went hevise.

"Ahhhh...." Baekhyun suddenly woke up from his slumber. A sudden pain told him it was time and the pain shot up way too quickly for the fragile boy.

He reached out for the phone and with foggy eyes he called the number he new by heart.

"CHANYEOL. THE BABIES." He screeched.

"I'm on my way." Was all he heard.

He writhed. Twitched and shivered. His legs wriggling and his body shaking.

"AHHH CHANYEOL!!!!!" He called out as he held his baby bump tightly. And throwing the mask away."STOP HURTING MOMMY PLEASE." Baekhyun cried out as he tried his best to control the pain. His lips bleed by biting it. His eyes were drenched in tears. That's when Chanyeol dashed inside and carried his pregnant wife to the hospital.

"Yeolah!!! I'm afraid...." Baekhyun cried as they drove to the hispital.

"Relax. Everythings gonna be just fine. Hmmm?" Chanyeol wrapped an arm around the once tiny waist as Baekhyun clung onto Chanyeol, biting deep into his husbands neck to ease the pain.

The chaufuer drove to hospital and they helped Baekhyun out on a stretcher. The smaller was slowly loosing himself.

"Baby, No dont faint." Chanyeol shook his wife awake but Baekhyuns eyes were slowly closing as he was dragged into the emergency unit. His hand slipping off Chanyeol's.

"I NEED CHANYEOL. I NEED MY HUSBAND OR I'LL NEVER GIVE BIRTH."  Baekhyuns voice boomed as his family and friends stormed in.

"Sir Chanyeol. Please come in." A nurse called him and Chanyeol ran to his love.

"I can't Yeolah. I cant hold on anymore. Please." Baekhyun reached for Chanyeol as his husband went into his small embrace.

"Flutterfly. Yoy have to. For me. For us." Chanyeols voice broke.

"Let me go....Bring our children up for me. It hurts so much.." The smaller whispered through shaky breaths and gritted teeth.

"Are you crazy??? What are you thinking?" The giant freaked out.
"It hurts....So fucking much...I'm tired Yeolah." The smaller shook his head.

"No...No...No I love you. You can't just leave us." Chanyeol started crying as Baekhyuns hands slipped down from his body.

"Shall we proceed Mr Park?" The doctor asked and Chanyeol nodded slowly. Eyes still fixated on his wifes gorgeous face.

"Cherry Blossom. Please don't leave me....." The giant whispered as the operation started.

Hours and Hours ticked by. An entire family including friends waiting. A giant waited holding a limp hand. Those fingers he loved to play with no longer held him back.

Baekhyun lay motionless as his babies were taken out with cries and little squeakings. But their mother thought tightly stitched closed hadn't still woken.

Or will he ever wake?

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