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Nobody's Pov.....

The childish pregnant boy was back to school and the gang was back to life, Not forgetting the over protective giant but Baekhyun loved to have Chanyeol beside him. Though his eyes constantly watered at the sight of Seohyung trying to lure his man back to her.

"Baekkie, Relax. Chanyeol is yours." Luhan patted his best friends shoulder when he kept glaring at the tall pretty girl who was trying to invite Chanyeol and the boys to the party since the basket ball team had been selected for the tournament of Basketball championship games.

""But that bitch is trying to get him to come to the party." Kyungsoo growled having his eyes on Kai.

"I know but we can't stop them from going to a party held only for them.." Luhan sighed and Chen sniffled.

"They'd drink a lot then." Chen sighed and pouted slumping into his chair.

"Wha...What?" Baekhyun stuttered and gulped a train of images running through his mind. He shrugged it off and tried to forcus. But failed. Baekhyun was scard.

Back at home, the smaller figetted as he helped Chanyeol pack his things and get dressed for the party.

"Yeolah, Do you have to go?" Baekhyun whispered pulling the tallers tie.

"Yup, Its gonna be fun. Aren't you coming?" He question ruffling the ebony silky hair.

"No, I...." Baekhyun sighed looking away.

"Good. You shouldn't. A preggo cherry blossom should be safely tucked in bed not in a party." Chanyeol kissed Baekhyuns lips before shouting a goodbye to his mom and left. Not noticing the shivering boy in his room.

The music blared and boys and girls danced to loud notes. The basket ball players were drenched in the pools of wine and Champagne.

"Yoh man, I can see Luhan every where. I think I'm in love." Sehun giggled wobbling and wiggling.

"Kyungsoooahh...Where are you?" Kai tried to touch the penguin boy.

"You stink. I'm leaving." Kyungsoo snapped pulling Chen and leaving.

"Chen my baby...Don't leave me." Xiumin sat down and sniffled.

But Chanyeol was no where to be seen. Where was he? Oh there he was with a shot glasses not far from his gang. He moved to his friends but he could barely carry his huge body any further. He had to call someone.

"My sugar plum, pumpkin pudding boo." He cooed into the phone.

"Yeo....Yeolah, Are you drunk?" The honey like voice asked.

The giant nodded pouting as if the later could see his gesture. "Cherry blossom, My blue bell, My honey suckle....I feel sooo heavy and I can barely see. Take me home please." Chanyeol wined and Baekhyun sighed from the other line.

"Okay...Stay where you are. I'm coming." The smaller whispered and the taller nodded again.

"I love you." The giant said and cut the call slipping it into his jean pocket.

"Chanyeol. Babe." A female voice said turning Chanyeol around.

"Who are you? You are not my flutterfly. He's gorgeous..Your ugly." Chanyeol pushed her away.

"Idiot. Its me Seohyung." The girl said wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Eww. Get off." The giant tried to pry off the girls filthy hands.

"Common. You used to love me. You are just blinded by that stupid abnormal guy." Seohyung said leaning her body onto the giant.

"Get off slut." Chanyeol grittted his teeth pushing her off.

But Seohyung pulled him by the tied and latched their lips together. Chanyeol lost his temper and pushed the girl back and turned around but was broken by the sight before him. The blue and green eyed boy stood shattered. His petite body shivered in the cold night breeze as he wiped a falling tear with his oversided sweatshirt sleeve.

"Blossom....Its not what you think." Chanyeol walked closer but the boy backed off.

"Ohh he's lying Baekhyun. He kissed me so deeply that my tongues sore." Seohyung shamelessly said flipping her styled hair.

"Oh...Time go...Chanyeol." Baekhyun said walking back to his car with flowing tears.

Chanyeol got so angry he turned around and slapped Seohyung across her face.

"You will pay for this bitch." He pushed her away and ran after his heart broken boyfriend now sober and steady.

Baekhyun glared at Chanyeol when he tried to touch him and the ride back home was too silent that even if a pin dropped it would have been heard. The smaller parked the car and left Chanyeol hanging alone.

"You packed my things already? Sugar Its Seohyung who kissed me. I swear I didn't kiss back. Please." Chanyeol pleaded but Baekhyun avoided him.

His clothes were packed and the day after Chanyeol had to leave for the tournerment. But he wasn't happy. Baekhyun didn't speak a word or let Chanyeol touch his body. Not even a goodbye kiss.

"Blossom please.." Chanyeol begged but Mrs Park said Baekhyun to go inside and sent her son away knowning that the smaller would burst into tears any moment.

Phone calls were cut, texts ignored but finally it was answered when Kai called Baekhyun's phone.

"Hyung?" Baekhyun smiled for the first time in days.

"Junior, Chanyeol...He met with an accident." Baekhyuns brother said.

"Stop lying hyung. Please." The smaller rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry Baekhyun but Chanyeol lost balance when putting the ball in the basket and crashed down. We won the championship but I think our captain has a few broken broken ribs and scratches." Kai said and Baekhyun felt his heart tighten as he threw his phone on the bed and ran to the hospital.

His breath was hitching and he held his baby bump and chest as he tried to calm down. He ran to the said room and opened the door to see Chanyeol with band aids and a big ass plaster across his waist. He was shirtless and Seohyung sat next to his bed crying.

"Cherry Blossom?" Chanyeols voice was slightly hoarse and he looked with pleading eyes.

Baekhyun felt such an anger that he wiped his tears away from his eyes and came with heavy steps pulling Seohyung by the hair and shoving her down on the floor.

"Stay away from my man you slutty bitch." He growled pulling Chanyeols hand and dragging him out of the hospital turning a blind eye to every shout he heard.

"Sugar plum. Speak to me. Please its killing me." Chanyeol whispered but Baekhyun was never going to give in.

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