"You're Damon." I narrowed my eyes.

"So you've heard of me?" He asked with a smirk.

"Only bad things, but from what I can see it looks like that's all people get from you." I leaned my head on my hand.

"So my reputation precedes me." He looked down and back up. "Well-"

"Emmaline." I heard my dad say as he walked over with a smile. He didn't usually call me that when he wasn't mad. "I saw you from over there. I was thinking we should head home." He said as he looked to Damon and then back to me. "We shouldn't be out too late." He said his eyes piercing through my skin.

It took me a moment to realize what he meant. I looked to Damon then back to dad. I took a deep breath to calm myself. "You're right." I nodded lightly. "Let's go." I stood up looking to my dad as I put my purse over my shoulder.

Damon waved and I just turned around like I normally would. My dad and I only had a few code words. The 'we shouldn't be out late' was the scariest one. That meant that a vampire was near.

We got outside and into the car and I was shaking lightly. "Are you sure?" I asked looking at him worried.

"Positive." He replied as I sat in the passenger side.

"I've seen him during the day. He was fine." I replied looking to him.

"Emmie. He was the one that killed your mom." He said as my heart sank. "I saw him and before I could stop him he disappeared with her but before he did I saw his face and that was him."

"Oh my god." I said nervously.

"Why were you talking to him?" He asked me curiously.

"He's been showing up around lately and he just starts talking to me. I thought he was just trying to mess with the new kid, but now I-" I sighed. I didn't know what to think. "Does that mean his brother is too?" I asked worried.

"I don't know but it could be possible. The decade dance is tomorrow. I'll keep an eye out and you make sure to stay safe. With your friend at all times okay?" He asked as I nodded.

"Yeah. Yeah okay. I'm gonna go to Carolines after school tomorrow okay?" I replied before we got home. I went to my room and packed some weapons. Hell if I was just going to be okay with being there. The only hard part was sneaking it onto my costume.

I woke up the next morning and I got ready. I had a tank top on and I wore a jacket. I tied the stake around my belt. I walked out and saw my dad. I smiled to him lightly as I poured some coffee.

"Good morning." He said as he came over to me.

"Good morning." I sighed lightly before taking a sip of my cup. He pulled my jacket open and saw the stake. He pulled it out and looked at it.

"Really?" He asked with a sigh as he put it on the counter.

"I just want to be safe." I tried to cover up my true intentions.

"Emmaline, you'll be safe if you just listen. I know you want to kill him." He argued.

"How did you even know?" I asked looking at the stake.

"Your mother would've done it. She was just as tenacious." He responded as I rolled my eyes lightly. "Now calm down and let me take care of it and try to have fun." He said in a more serious tone.

"Yeah have fun when there are vampires running around." I smiled sarcastically. "Let's just get to school."

He dropped the subject and we walked out. It was probably better that way because he knew I would've fought back.

Silver Linings {A TVD Fanfic trilogy}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें