Chapter 13: Abduction

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<Ciel's POV>
I saw Lady Elizabeth pull up to the manor.
"Sebastian where's F/N?" I asked.
"I have no idea." Sebastian said.
"She can't have gone to far." I said.
"We have to deal with Elizabeth first." I added.
I walked downstairs and Elizabeth ran and hugged me.
"I got you a present open it." She said in her usually cheerful tone.
I began to open it when she grabbed my hand.
"But I broke this! How?" She asked.
"Oh, Sebastian repaired it."I
"What? But it was chipped I don't see any cracks." She said.
"Yes. A Phantomhive butler who can't do this much." Sebastian began.
"Isn't worth it." I said.
"I see Sebastian fixed it." Elizabeth said sadly.
"My lady." Her worked said.
"What do you have in that box Lady Elizabeth?" Sebastian asked.
"It's a secret." She said and grabbed the box.
"Didn't you just say you were giving it to me?" I asked.
"That was a trick." She said.
"Trick?" I questioned.
"No proper lady would try to win her gentleman with material things." She said.
I sighed. "Lady Elizabeth we are not engaged anymore nor will we ever be I'm in love with someone else."
She had tears in her eyes and she ran out.
"So what did she come here for?" I asked.
"Tomorrow is your birthday. I imagine that's the reason." Sebastian said.
"Well Young Master? Why not hold a birthday party?" He asked.
"We need to find F/N." I said and walked to my study.
"Get Mari and then come to my study!" I yelled.

<Your POV>
"I'm trapped." You thought.
You looked around and saw dolls.
"Welcome you are finally awake. However the ring did not select you as it's owner." The man said.
"Your eyes have a petrified look. I can tell your scared." He said.
"You abducted me who wouldn't be scared?" You asked.
"I see." He said.
"And I need to find a gift for my best friend." You sobbed.
"I have items in here for sale. I'll give you anyone you like." He said.
"But." You began.
"I see these are all the same to you. So I think to myself something different a precious present for a precious person." He said.
"The most suitable thing would be you yourself." He said darkly.
"Oh Ciel please hurry you said you would always be here to protect me." You thought.
Ciel's POV
"F/N has vanished." I said.
"Yes I cant seem to find her anywhere." Mari said.
"I think we should try Islington since it's more of a shopping town and maybe she got lost shopping." Mari said.
"We'll head there immediately." I said and stood up.
"Good grief what is she thinking?" I sighed.
"What am I thinking? I shouldn't of let her run off without me. I told her I'll always protect her I could never forgive myself if something happened to her." I thought.
"First please look at this." Sebastian said.
I opened the letter.
"The kidnappings Scotland Yard is frantically investigating that only target young girls. The criminal sends a Hope piece to each one in turn. A piece of the diamond said to bring ill luck. I never thought the treasure I lost out on would come up again in this connection." I said. I could feel my heart breaking.
"What now my lord?" Sebastian asked.
"We dispel Her Majesty's worries. That's our work priority no matter what. We need find Duchess F/N. However that is my priority." I said.
I was in the carriage.
"Young Master?" Sebastian asked.
"Open the door." I said. "Question those who knew the victims and come up with a suspect list." I commanded.
"Names, addresses. Then raid the scene." I said.
"I'm sure three hours will be sufficient for the two of you." I said.
"While you two are doing that I'll take care of business. That's all there is to it." I said.
"I see." Mari said.
"Get on with it." I said.
"Yes my lord." Sebastian said.
"Yes Earl Phantomhive." Mari said.
I walked in to the streets of Islington.
"Why am I with him?" I asked frustrated.
Pluto was right next to me.
"You're a dog. You can at least distinguish scents, can't you?" I asked.
I held out a piece of ribbon from F/N hair to Pluto.
"This is F/N's ribbon she was wearing before." I said.
Pluto looked at it and looked away.
"Why you...Do you intend to obey only Sebastian?!" I asked frustrated.
Pluto started to run and I held onto the leash.
"Oh my! A gentleman in rut? My hearts going pitter patter!" A voice exclaimed.
"I am a hunter of love! I spy you!" The man with red hair said.
"You're!" I yelled.
"I'm a more efficient butler than I look!" He said. "Though I'm currently without a master. After the Madam Red incident I was temporarily demoted, and now I'm a lowly assistant." He pouted.
"That guy Will told me he won't give me my old post back until I collect troublesome souls." He said.
"Dear me. Were you planning to avenge your beloved aunt?" He asked smirking.
"Shut up." I said.
"I dong see Sebastian here. What can a little brat like you do?" Grell smiled.
"Shut up!" I yelled angry. Pluto started to growl and he started to run past the red head man and I ran after Pluto.
"Hey well I never!" Grell yelled.
I was chasing after Pluto and I saw a doll that looked exactly like F/N.
"F/N!" I yelled.
"Number 495 on my list by Drossel." Grell yelled. I ran to the shop and Pluto gave me the doll.
"It's F/N." I said.
I ran and I saw a mansion.
"F/N is defiantly in that mansion." I said.
"What a delightful estate." Grell said.
"This man hurt Madam Red. But now I need to find F/N." I thought.
"Grell. Protect me." I said.
"What?" He asked.
"I'll grant you any request." I said.
"Don't be insulting." Grell said.
"I'll give you a day with Sebastian." I smirked.
"Suddenly my fired up meter is maxed out! I'm serious!" Grell yelled.
We opened the door and saw a doll with a ring that looks like me.
The doll tried to attack me.
"Wood and clay will wash away wash away." I heard being sung.
"This doll was a failure. So I thought I must make them much much stronger. Build it up with iron and steel iron and steel iron and steel my fair lady ." The man said.
Dolls moved in front of him.
"They're." I began in shock.
"Anyone who stands in the way of mind and Sebastian's Love gets this!" Grell yelled.
"Grell!" I yelled.
Grell got bounced back.
"Grell this is an order you and Pluto play with the dolls here forever." I said and ran past. I ran upstairs as fast as I could.
"F/N I said I will always protect you." I thought.
"I'm coming F/N!" I yelled with determination.
"Ciel Phantomhive." Someone called my name as I entered the room.
"You are very beautiful. I must make you a worthy doll." The man with orange hair said.
"Where is F/N?" I asked.
I ran into another room and I ran passed all of the noises.
"Truly nothing good ever happens on your birthday. You lost your mansion, your parents, and this time will you lose Duchess F/N?" Sebastian asked.
"Sebastian!" I yelled shocked.
"Don't forget me." Mari smiled.

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