Chapter 31: 1 year since you passed

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Ciel's POV
It was a year since F/N passed and today was going slow. The manor wasn't the same. Finny, Mey Rin, and Baldroy weren't even as lively and I wasn't nearly the same. I need her. She brought me life.
"Young Master are you ready?" Sebastian asked.
"Yes." I said.
I walked downstairs and the servants bowed.
I sensed a tear coming down my face and I quickly wiped it and rushed to the carriage.
"I miss her." I admitted.
"I know Young Master." Sebastian said and started to drive the carriage.
  We eventually got to the meadow and it was surrounded with a bunch of white flowers.
I looked out.
"F/N if you can hear me I love you and I need you to know that I need you in my life trust me I do because my life is all gray without you!" I cried.
I heard wind and the flowers started to bend and swirl and I saw a reflection of a person and the person fell she had H/L H/C hair and gorgeous E/C eyes and she was wearing a white dress.
"F/N!" I yelled.
She looked up and smiled. "Ciel!" She cried.
"Is it really you?" I asked taking a step cautiously.
She got up with tears in her eyes. "Obviously!"
I smiled and I ran and hugged her.
"I love you." I said.
"I love you and our baby." She said with a smile.
"You're..." I started.
"Surprise!" She said and kissed me.
I smiled and hugged her again.
"I read your letters I'm sorry I put you through that." F/N said.
"Just don't do it again." I said.
"I won't." She giggled.

My Bestie Ciel x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant