Chapter 8: Houndsworth

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You were sitting next to Ciel in the wooden carriage and Sebastian was driving it.
"Holiday! Holiday! We're going on a holiday!" Mey Rin Finny and Baldroy sang. 
"Holiday! Holiday!" You started to sing with them.
"Not you too F/N." Ciel sighed.
You giggled. "Yes me too."
You saw the sign that said "Welcome to Houndsworth."
"It seems we have arrived." Sebastian said.
You saw the servants look so excited and you were excited. Until you saw the withered tree.
"They need a better gardener." You mumbled.
"I forgot to tell you one thing this is the planned construction site for the resort." Ciel said in his usual monotone voice.
"What!" You yelled.
"Young master." Mey Rin, Finny, and Baldroy sighed.
"Apparently there are many villages missing or passed away." Ciel said.
"I never been to Houndsworth before and I never even heard of it. How did you hear about it?" You asked.
"Studying my dear F/N." Ciel smirked.
"M-my d-dear." You stuttered blushing.
"You are a dear friend to me." Ciel said.
"And part of my job is to find the cause and dispose of it." He added.
"Our job." You corrected.
You saw the town and it wasn't as lovely as you imagined it to be.
You noticed a boy training a dog.
"If you have something to say just say it." Ciel said to Sebastian.
"Thank you my lord." Sebastian said. "I love cats but I'm not fond of dogs or rather to be frank I hate them." Sebastian said smiling.
"Your smiling like a clown Sebastian." You commented and Ciel smirked.
Ciel barked.
You arrived at the house.
"Earl Phantomhive and Duchess F/N L/N I presume?" A servant girl with blue hair and a purple and white outfit asked.
"Yes." Sebastian responded.
"Welcome to Barrymore Castle my master awaits your arrival." She said and bowed.
"She's beautiful yes!" Mey Rin said.
You noticed that Finny was blushing you could tell he liked her.
You walked in next to Ciel.
"This way." She said.
You noticed the decor was odd to say the least.
"Ahhh!" You heard.
You looked over and saw the servant being hurt.
"Who is this Chihuahua and kitty?! I told you to receive the Queen's messenger and the Duchess!"He yelled.
"I am not a kitty!" You yelled.
"Can't you even do a simple thing like that Angela!?" He yelled even more angry.
You were fed up with him and you grabbed the blue haired girl known as Angela and moved her behind you.
"Stop!" You yelled.
"I am Duchess F/N L/N and he is the Queen's messenger Earl Phantomhive." You said.
He looked mad and raised his hand you looked at him not backing down.
"Sebastian." Ciel said.
Sebastian grabbed his hand.
"What are you doing you filthy Doberman?! Let me go!" He yelled.
"I ordered him to do it." Ciel spoke.
"What?!" He asked.
"It sounds as though you got my letter." I'm Ciel Phantomhive." Ciel said.
"And the girl you raised your hand to is the Duchess. If she reports that to the Queen well let's say that will be fun for you to explain." Ciel said.
"You mean to tell me a little toy poodle and a stupid kitten like you two is Her Majesty's messenger and the Duchess of England?! He yelled confused.
"You disapprove of small breeds and kittens, Lord Henry?" Ciel asked smirking.
You sat next to Ciel and looked over the papers.
"It's not worth discussing. No matter what the terms I can't sell this place." Lord Henry said crossing his arms.
"Why is that?" You asked.
"The curse." Lord Henry said darkly.
"Curse?" Ciel asked.
"This village has lived alongside its dogs since ancient times. Those who interfere with it are cursed with a great plague. Even Her Majesty herself cannot change that. Great calamity befalls anyone who goes against the Barrymore family!" Lord Henry said.
"Oh interesting." You and Ciel said.
"What?!" Lord Henry asked.
"Let's have a nice close look at this "calamity"." Ciel said with a fake smile.
Lord Henry looked furious.
It became dark and you were reading with Ciel you saw Angela come in.
"I apologize for the lateness of the hour." Angela said.
"My young master is about to retire." Sebastian said.
"I have a request please leave this village." Angela said.
"You mustn't be here." She said.
"Why not?" Ciel asked uninterested.
"I can't..." She said looking away.
"Speak Angela." You said.
You heard a howl and you looked up from your book and so did Ciel and Angela gasped.
"Oh no the demon hound is here!" Angela yelled terrified.
"Demon hound?" Ciel asked.
You looked back and saw the face of a dog.
"Ahh!" You screamed and Ciel turned around and pulled you behind him.
"Sebastian!" Ciel yelled.
Sebastian pulled the curtains open and nothing was there.
"What was that?" Ciel asked.
You looked out the window trying to spot it.
"Young master look." Sebastian said.
You saw the green and black figure.
"It's the great demon hound! The great demon hound is here!" Someone yelled.
You ran outside and saw a green sparkly paw print.
You bent down and touched it.
"Young master!" Mey Rin yelled. "Angela!" Finny yelled. "Duchess!" Baldroy yelled and ran to us.
"What's the fuss about?" Baldroy asked.
"The demon hound has appeared." Angela said.
"Demon hound?" They asked.
"It brings calamity to the village. Those who defy my master are punished by the demon hound. That is the law of this village." Angela said.
"What an odd law." You said.
"Angela please tell Lord Barrymore that the demon hound has come." The townsfolk said.
"Who's been punished?" Angela asked.
"So James was the bad dog." Lord Henry said.
"Yes apparently he broke the five dog rule and kept a sixth." The towns person said.
"I see then this was inevitable." Lord Henry said.
"Hey! How can you say that?!" Baldroy yelled.
"The village has laws I have decreed. Those who break them are punished by the demon hound who protects the Barrymores!" Lord Henry said.
The civilians started to sing a song.
"This is creepy." You mumbled.
Ciel turned to you and nodded.
You've had a narrow escape." Lord Henry said.
It was the next day and you saw the servants swimming.
You sat next to Ciel and watched the servants happily.
"I'm glad they are enjoying theirselves." You said happily.
"You won't swim young master?" Sebastian asked.
"Ah that's right. You-" Sebastian started.
"Just being able to swim in this season isn't much of a selling point for a health resort." Ciel said.
"Do you really intend for this place to be a resort?" You asked.
"Naturally." Ciel said.
"What about the demon hound?" Sebastian asked.
"Now that isn't a selling point." You said. Sebastian chuckled.
"I'm sure you've caught on to it's true form as well." Ciel said.
You saw Ciel whisper to Sebastian and Sebastian nod.
"You're obviously motivated I thought you hate dogs." Ciel said.
"Yes I do. So I'd like to wrap this up as quickly as possible." Sebastian said and walked away.
"F/N are you enjoying yourself?" Ciel asked.
"It's nice but I don't know about the demon hound." You said.
"In due time that will be taken care of if you want you can leave me by myself and go have fun." Ciel said.
"No I like hanging out with you." You said smiling.
Ciel looked down into his book and you could see a small smile.
You watched in horror at that civilians cheering for those dogs being mean.
"The poor thing!" Finny yelled.
Finny ran to protect the dog.
"Finny!" We yelled and ran to him.
"They got in the way. They interrupted our holy punishment." The townspeople said. "They're bad dogs." They said.
"H-holy!? Are you mad!?" You yelled.
They chained you and Ciel and tied up the servants.
"C-Ciel." You whispered.
You were scared for your life.
"It will be okay F/N I won't let you get hurt." Ciel said.
"You pathetic Maltese and stupid kitten." Lord Henry mumbled.
"Master I beg of you please forgive these people!" Angela said.
"True this Pomeranian is the Queen's messenger and the little kitten is the Duchess." Lord Henry said.
"Depending on what they say I'll let them go." Lord Henry says.
"Pull out of this village and advise her Majesty never to touch it again!" Lord Henry said.
"You'd go that far to protect your tiny little kingdom?" Ciel asked.
"You're the dictionary definition of "obsession." Ciel said smirking.
"He is." You said.
"Then learn for yourselves what happens to bad dogs who defy me!" Lord Henry yelled.
"Sick them!" He yelled.
The dogs came running at us.
"Over here you stupid dogs!" Ciel said.
They all charged to Ciel after that.
Ciel gave you a glance saying "I told you I would protect you."
You saw Sebastian jumping up and getting rid of the dogs.
"You're late." Ciel said.
"My apologies my lord. My apologies for worrying you Duchess." Sebastian said.
Lord Henry directed them again and the dogs just bowed to Sebastian.
"People of the village, listen to me! There is no demon hound." Ciel said.
"There's only that pathetic old man obsessed with power!" Ciel yelled.
"It's just an illusion made by one person." You said.
"And that person is you Henry Barrymore!" Ciel announced.
The towns people were angry and they brought him away and Sebastian unhooked Ciel and Ciel unhooked you and hugged you tightly.
"I told you I would protect you." Ciel mumbled.
"You did." You said.
You saw Finny hug and cry over the dog.
"This is why I hate dogs." Sebastian said.
It began to rain and we went back to into the house.
"Case closed eh?" Ciel asked.
"Let's leave the village when the rain lets up." You said and walked out.
"Ahhhhh!" You heard.
You ran to the noise and saw Mey Rin sitting and pointing.
"Oh no." You said wide eyed.

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