Chapter 12: Ice Ice

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You were walking with Ciel and Sebastian and you heard a man trying to sell up his tent. 
It was winter and you three were at the Frost Fair.
"Frost Fair is an appropriate name." Sebastian commented.
"I'm told this is the first Frost Fair on this scale to be held on the frozen Thames at the foot of the London Bridge since the year 1814." Ciel said.
"So smart." You thought.
Ciel laughed at the items on sale.
"What is it Ciel?" You asked.
"They are all inferior goods." Ciel said.
"If the river freezes again next year Funtom could set up a shop." He added.
"Always thinking business." You sighed.
"Look at the boat it's an exact fake of the one we used to play with when we were kids." You said.
"They are very rare only three were ever made I don't have one anymore it burned in the fire. They certainly wouldn't turn up here." Ciel scoffed.
"Noah's ark it's like this nation itself." Sebastian said.
"What?" Ciel asked.
"A boat led by a single skipper. The only ones saved are a select few. It's an arrogant idea." Sebastian smiled.
  "If a Scotland Yard Inspector has time to be around here. I suppose there must be peace in London for today." Ciel said.
"I'm not just standing around. I'm on duty!" He said offended.
"You offended the poor guy." You said.
"Oh my. Well then Inspector earn your wages in faithful service to Queen and country." Ciel said.
"Wait!" The Inspector yelled.
"I have some questions for you Ciel." He said.
The man reached out to touch him but his hand was slapped away.
"Pardon me, but as you can see my master is fragile... I mean sensitive  so I'll have to ask you to not be so rough." Sebastian said.
  "Let's go get something to eat and drink and then we can talk." Ciel said.
  You, Ciel,and the Inspector sat down.
"So what's a Yard detective doing here, Inspector Abberline?" You asked.
"This morning a man was discovered under the ice. He was a member from a criminal organization. We are looking for the person who did that to him and for the ring he stole." Inspector Abberline said.
"There's a blue diamond in that ring that's supposedly worth 2,000 quid." He said.
  "The diamond the gemstone that gleams internal radiance." Lau said.
"Legend has it that those bewitched by its sparkle are compelled to pursue it even when they know only destruction awaits." Lau added.
"That legend might actually be true. Anyone can get under a spell from a gem as long as it sparks an interest." You said taking a sip of tea.
"Why do you know about the Hope piece?" The Inspector asked scared.
"Hmm? What's this? So there really is such a jewel! Oh my." Lau said.
"What?! But you just said— The Inspector began.
"He was just blathering. Don't give him any attention." Ciel said.
"Never mind that but Lau what are you even doing here?" You asked.
"I own this place." He said.
"I see..." Ciel said and sipped his tea.
"Say This Hope thing sounds interesting my lord." Lau said.  "Will you tell me more?" He asked.
"You've never heard of the blue diamond that we call the Hope because it was apart of Henry Phillip Hope's collection?" Ciel asked.
"Nope." Lau said.
"It's known as a diabolical stone that's passed through the hands of many owners and driven all to ruin. Then after being stolen again the diamond was cut to disguised it." You said.
"They say two pieces of the Hope Diamond exists." Ciel said.
"Is one of them what you're searching for Abberline?" Ciel asked.
"It was stolen." He said.
"Interesting. Give me details we'll lend you a hand in this."Ciel said.
  "Naturally I won't force you. But if you refuse your superior Sir Arthur might find himself in an awkward place." Ciel said smirking.
"Ciel I need to go." You said.
"What why?" He asked.
"Just I have to." You said.
You went into the Frost Fair and you were looking for a gift to surprise Ciel.
You saw a man with orange hair turning a music box.   You kept walking around looking at everything.
You saw an event happening and you saw an ark made out of ice with the animals in it.
"Sebastian must of made it." You thought.
You ran to Ciel and you saw a man holding a weapon.
"Stay back F/N I'll protect you always." Ciel said.
The man was about to throw something and Ciel grabbed your hand and Sebastian grabbed you both and threw you to the ark.
"We barely made it." You sighed.
"The ring is in the lake." You added.
"If that's all it takes for this city to fall it was never meant to survive." Ciel said.
"I told you F/N I'll always protect you." Ciel said.
You began walking and you saw a blue ring and you picked it up. The next thing you remember is being in a dark room.

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