"You ready laur?" dinah questioned as she finished putting on her jersey.

lauren nodded. "Yeah..Get the rest of the team and head to the gym. I'll be there before introductions start."

"Alright. Don't be late. You know lucy is looking forward to seeing both of us introduced tonight. I managed to get her a seat right next to normani." dinah added in hoping that news that lucy would be there would raise lauren's mood.

lauren gave a small smile. "Yeah, I'll keep that in mind."

dinah just patted lauren on the shoulder before leaving to do what he was told. lauren took another 15 before she finally got up as well. "Alright focus." she told herself as she headed out the locker room.

lauren was grateful to be walking alone. she had to get her thoughts under control before she made it to the court. camila had dominated her thoughts all week, she could pause for two hours. she turned the corner that led to the entrance of the gym, but two figures standing by the door caught her attention. austin and and a brown haired man.

lauren didn't think twice about it as she continued walking.

"Yeah! I can't believe camila actually got back together with me."

The sentence made lauren's entire world stop. Her eyes went to austin who hadn't noticed her, having been to occupied on bragging to whoever she was talking to. lauren felt rage enter her system. There was no way camila would go back to austin.

"I told you." The man said nonchalantly.

austin laughed. "Yeah she even broke up with lauren for me! Man I really was starting to think I didn't have a chance."

lauren had to stop herself from attacking austin, choosing to instead walk past him as if she hadn't heard the conversation. He couldn't get in trouble right before the game..Neither of the two took notice of him.

Her heart was pounding. That was why camila left her? To get back together with him?!

"Oh my god! lucy can we please have your autograph!" A group of girls yelled as lucy's bodyguard attempted to politely tell them that lucy had signed enough autographs since she had arrived.

"I wish I was as popular as you." normani said to the girl causing lucy to giggle.

"Trust me, I'd much rather be able to sit and enjoy my friend's basketball game without being worried about being mobbed." lucy replied as she kindly waved to the girls who were still trying to get close to her.

"If I hadn't met you last week, I'd probably be the same as them honestly, but dinah made me promise not to assault you." normani responded in a joking tone although dinah had really told her to not bother lucy to much.

lucy had to give a loud laugh at that one. "Oh I doubt you would have done that." She said before her eyes traveled to the empty seat next to normani. "By the way where is Mila?"

Normani's eyes went to the chair that had been reserved for camila for the entire year and frowned. "She decided not to come..."

lucy frowned. "Why not? Doesn't she want to support lauren?"

normani was hesitant on what to say. "I'm sure she does, but...it's complicated right now. If she could be here I'm sure she would."

lucy accepted the answer with a small shrug before turning her eyes to the stadium entrance. Her eyes lit up as she saw the doors open. "LAUREN!" She screamed at the top of her lungs surprising Normani.

Her antics also attracted a lot of other people and soon the chants began.



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