Team Flash and Team Arrow

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All songs are on it's own part.

Lena when I took on the Dominators last year, I went to a different earth we need to go there,

Different earth? Kara are you sure thats a good idea?

Yes they are my friends, We can trust them.


Alex get me my worm whole thing I got last year its in under-

I know where it is.

Okay I want Lena, Alex, Eliza, and J'onn all with me.

Earth one
Barry's POV

Do we know what's coming through?

No we got to be ready for anything

Hold fire, it's Kara.

Barry we need your help

Okay what's wrong and why is he carring you?


Are you sure?

Yeah Lena Eliza help.

Kara what's wrong? You're starting to scare me.

Here goes nothing. Splat on the ground

Kara got shot in her back and her spinal cord was damage.

Okay where do I come into this,

Oliver, Sara and Felicity.

Oh, Okay I'll get them here.

Kara where where did he go?

Star City a few hundred miles away.

He has super speed. Caitlin said like it was no big deal


Barry? What are you doing here?

I need you, Sara and Ollie to come with me

Umm, why?

It's Kara, She got hurt bad.

How bad?

Can't walk bad.

Why does she need us?

Felicity, you told him right?

Yes, we need to go to Palmer Tech though, for what I think we are gonna need.

Okay let's go.

Kara? Hey how are you feeling?


Thank you for doing this for her

No problem

Felicity, Sara, Oliver, Catilyn, Cisco, Iris, and Barry this is my fiancée, Lena. It happened before this whole mess.

Congrats guys I'm so happy for you!

Thank you.

So what happened?

I was taking on a anti-alien group called Cadmus run by Lena's mother and they had some kryptonite bullets and I got hit in the back on Christmas Eve, I didn't even notice till the next morning. After Lena asked me, I died, I woke up at the DEO with no feeling in my legs as some of you saw earlier. I didn't know what happened until Kal took me to the fortress and had our medical robot look at me. He said that I had damage to my spinal cord and I asked Alex what that ment and she told me its really really bad, it can't be fixed. I then thought about what happened to you Felicity, and I was wondering if you could do it to me. My world needs me, they need Supergirl. So do you understand why I came here for your help?

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