You're Her

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A few weeks later

"Alex someone knows I'm her." Kara

"How? I thought that Winn, James, Maggie" Alex

"YOU. TOLD! Maggie!" As my heat vision start to activate.

"No she figured it out because I was worried about Supergirl and I only worry that much about you. Winn the DEO, James, Maggie, Mon-El, Eliza, Jermiah and me are the only ones that knows your secret. Wait Lillian Luther, she made you solar-flare and wanted your blood. She could test your blood and found out. Would she tell Lena?" Alex

"They don't talk at all and I was in my suit. Someone targeted CatCo and almost killed me. They had kryptonite." Kara

"Some people see under the glasses and hair. I always thought you need something better." Alex

"But this shit really hurts. And Really? Do you want me to get mad?" Kara

"Just breathe and I'll get the bullet out. And No" alex

"Just hurry!" Kara

"Do you want me to count?" Alex

"Alex!" Kara

"Okay okay!" Alex

"AHHH" Kara

"Kara I'm so sorry, I had to." Alex

"You like seeing me in pain don't you?" Kara

"Maybe a little." Alex

"Okay fine just get me to the lamps." Kara

"Okay" Alex

Ten minutes later

"Okay, I'm gonna go home. Do you mind?" As I points to the bruise makeup and fake blood.

"I'd love to Kara. What would you do without me?" Alex

"Nothing probably. Shit I was supposed to meet Lena for dinner. What am I gonna say?" Kara

"The truth about how you took a bullet for a Cat." Alex


Lena I'm sorry that I cancelled on dinner if you saw the news I think you know why

Yeah I saw and I understand. Kara, are you okay? I heard you got shot for Cat.

Not really I'm a sore, shaken, and hurting. Supergirl came and flew me to the hospital. I'm at home now. Do you want to come over so we can talk?

Are you sure? We can reschedule to another day. I don't want to push you too hard.

I'm sure, and I need to be pushed every once and a while.

Ok I'll be there in ten

See you then!

Ten minutes later

"Kara?" Lena

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