Chapter 29- Winds of Change ( Snow's P.O.V.)

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I woke up to the sound of Nobinobi meows on my face. His paws laid on each of my cheeks while his head rested on my mouth. I tried pushing him away, I stayed up all night talking to Takashi again and I was tired. However, Nobinobi had other plans. Getting up he went to the end of my bed, I was watching him out of interest, and with a mighty battle cry ran and belly flopped onto my face. Laughing I took him off and got dressed and ready for school. Nobinobi sat in my doorway watching me the whole time and when I was ready he followed me into the kitchen where we both sat down at the table and awaited Grandmother's breakfast. 

Grandmother came down the stairs a little while later and got right to work making a mighty feast for her two little bottomless pits. Nobinobi walked back and forth on the counter while I sat and talked to Takashi on my phone.


Taka-Chan-  Hey

Snow- Sup 

Taka-Chan - Wat R U doing?

Snow- Awaiting a nice breakfast

Snow- Wat about u

Taka-Chan - Awaiting a nice coco bar

Snow- U need to eat a healthy breakfast

Taka-Chan- Eat right, exercise, die anyway

Snow- Ur right but how long do u want to live?

Taka-Chan- Just long enough to hold u in my arms

Snow- That's it? I'm offended I thought u would at least want to go get coffee and a movie before you'd die

Taka-Chan- Lol but that sounds nice

Taka-Chan- Let's do that this weekend then

Taka-Chan - Make this man's last wish come true

Snow- I don't c a man

Taka-Chan- Oh? Wat do u c then?

 Snow- A nice GUY who desperately wants a second date

Taka-Chan- Hold on, SECOND? Does that make the time where we both cried on each other's shoulders a date??

Snow- No, I meant when we went shopping and buying snacks n when I gave you my number 

Taka-Chan- Good cuz I didn't want to tell everyone that our first date was spent crying

Snow- When would u need to tell everyone that???

Taka-Chan- When we r both dating n ppl ask us how we met

Snow- Positive today aren't we?

Taka-Chan- Always

Snow- Lol 

Snow- My HEALTHY breakfast is done so I gtg ttyl kk

Taka-Chan- N my COCO BAR is here *Wink*

Taka-Chan-  c u later babe

Snow- *Rolls eyes* Bye c u on that second date


Smiling I put my phone on silent and started my udon, ten-musu(tempura omusubi/onigiri), warabi-mochi with kinako, and coffee that Grandma made for breakfast. While Nobinobi ate his usual fish skillet. When we were finished  I helped wash dishes while Nobinobi soaked in a tiny tub on the counter. 

When I was ready I went on my way to school. The air was cold and the sky grew darker as I walked. I wondered if it was going to rain, but remembering Takashi's optimism I decided to believe that rain was not coming. 

I reached school a little while later. Walking I entered the building only to see Jun leaning against the shoe racks and lockers. 

Unko!!! Unko!!!! Unko!!!Unko!!!

After mentally yelling in my head I coolly walk past Jun. Not bothering to turn back when he called my name, I practically ran up the stairs and to my homeroom class. 

**Time Lapse**

School ended faster today but I'm not complaining. During lunch break, Takashi sent me thees messages.


Taka-Chan- Hey

Snow- U should not be on ur phone during school u rebel

Taka-Chan- Anything 4 u

Taka-Chan- Besides I'm just in math class n aren't u in lunch right now??/

Snow- Stalker

Taka-Chan- Just want to know where my Snow Queen is everyday

Snow- Wat does that make u??

Taka-Chan- The King *Wink* *Wink*

Snow- Dork

Taka-Chan- Anyways I have something important to tell u once school is out

Snow- Y can't u tell me now??

Taka-Chan- Two words

Taka-Chan- Dramatic

Taka-Chan- Effect

Snow- OMU Lol

Taka-Chan- OMU??

Snow-Oh My Unicorns

Taka-Chan- Wooooow~

Snow- U know u love it

Taka-Chan- That's not the only thing I love about u

Snow- Really wat?

Taka-Chan- Wait 4 school 2 end n I will tell u

Snow- Dork


As I walk out of the school building I see Taka-Chan. Overwhelmed I run towards him. Hugging him in my arms.

But before we could speak Jun walks over with Ino and says,

"We all need to"

Well, Unko.


Nobinobi in tub-

Nobinobi in tub-

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Unko- shit

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Unko- shit

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