Chapter 6- Jun-Chan

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Or so she thought. 

Snow sat in the kitchen talking to Jun when Mrs.Chan walked in with Mr.Chan. "Hello, Jun-Chan I'm so glad you could make it." Exclaimed Mr.Chan as he embraced Jun," I thought you were going to put off this move again. I'm so glad you're here Jun-Chan. Have you met Yuki-Chan yet?" Smiling Jun stood up and as he walked around the table he replied,"Why yes, I've had the pleasure of meeting Yuki-Chan here. " Putting his arm around Snow's shoulder he said, "Well, I'm going to put up my things now. Don't bother me till I come back down. I need to concentrate." Smiling Jun patted Snow's head and left without another word. 

Sighing Mr.Chan sat down in the chair directly across from Snow as Mrs.Chan  went around the table to sit next to him. "*sigh* I'm sorry Yuki-Chan he's not always this disrespectful....has Mrs.Chan explained why he behaves this way? " 

"Yes.....she said that his parents divorced and he lived with his father until now..." 

"Yes, he's been more than a little rebellious since his father decided that he needs to come live with us. It's been so long..." 

Caught in deep thought Mr.Chan starred off into space, while Mrs.Chan made sandwiches. 

"Here Yuki-Chan can you take this to Jun-Chan?" 

"But...." Snow's mini-protest was in vain as Mrs.Chan said,"Don't worry about what he said just knock before you enter dear, now go on he's probably not coming down till tomorrow. "

Defeated Snow took the sandwiches and headed up the stairs to the back room, where Jun will be staying.

*knock* *knock*

"Jun? Mrs.Chan wanted me to give these sandwiches to you, I uh...I know you said not to bother you can you come out and take these sandwiches? "

Slowly the door to Jun's room began to open, revealing a half-naked Jun. His black hair was slicked back and his blue eyes had a mischievous smile, "So Yuki-Chan what do you think?"

Blushing furiously Snow hands him his sandwiches, "I think you need to put on a shirt Jun-Chan, and while you're at it you could come downstairs. Mr. and Mrs.Chan are worried about you, you know, I'm worried too." Turning Snow starts to leave when Jun said,

"Yuki-Chan...." quickly he grabs Snow by the waist and turning her to his chest said," I want you to know that you don't have to worry, I can take care of myself."

 Pushing at his chest Snow replies, "If you can take care of yourself then you know how to act, I don't know where you come from but in the city, this," looking up at Jun she pulls his shirt forcing his head to come close to hers, "is not how you treat a new friend, it's how you treat your lover. Don't get me wrong you're good looking but ill-tempered boys don't get far with me."

With one final push, Snow leaves Jun standing alone in the hall, and thus began the beginning of Yuki-Chans hell.

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