Chapter 21- Lovers fight (Jun's P.O.V.)

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                            's funny how we all see it so differently. The way we love, the way we fight, even the way we live all depends on how we view life. Take today for example. I'm laying here on the ground looking up at the sky and wondering why the hell my girlfriend decided not to walk to school with me today. I'm hurt and frustrated and now just pissed off for what seems like no reason.


There she is, with all of her perfectness. She looks so damn perfect it's hard to be mad at her right now, but I got to know why. 

"You didn't walk with me this morning....did you have something important to do?" I'm avoiding her stare, just looking at the infinite nothingness of the sky and awaiting her answer.

"I had Judo practice today.....and while I was waiting for class to start Ino cornered me......"

Turning I look at her, she looks troubled but something doesn't add up.

"I could've gone with you to practice and walk you to class today, then maybe whatever happened between you and Ino wouldn't have happened."

Now she's the one avoiding my gaze and looking at the infinite nothingness of the sky.

"I...I didn't want to bring you along with me today.....because of what happened last time."

Sighing I stand up and, now eye level, give her a piece of my mind.

"You mean when you completely kicked my ass? Ya, I remember. What I don't understand is why you didn't want me to come along. I could've been useful. Like handing out water bottles or cleaning the dojo. I know how people treat you here Snowflake, and I don't want you to be alone when those things happen. I could've been useful to you and you know it. So tell me why you didn't bring me alone with you."

I can't understand it, I guess I don't know how, but all she did was smile and walk away. 

Leaving me alone, in complete hell. 

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