Chapter 8- Friends

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Snow woke up in her little bedroom, sunlight streaming through her window, the sound of waves in the distance, and her eyes full of tears.  Snow's dream from last night haunting her memory. 

*There's no use overthinking it, Haha wanted me to be strong and that's just what I'm going to do. *

Quickly Snow gets dressed in torn jeans, a sweater, and sneakers. Tying her hair up in a ponytail she grabs her bag and rushes downstairs for school. 

"Snow?Wait, dear, I have something to ask you." 

Stopping Snow turned to face her Grandma who stood in the doorway to the kitchen. 

"Snow, Mr.Chan has asked me if you could walk Jun-Chan to school. Since the both of you are in the same grade. " 

Smiling Snow turns and continues to head out the door, "Of course! See you later!" With a bright smile, Snow went to Mr. and Mrs. Chan's house to pick up Jun-Chan. 

*Knock* *Knock* 

"Kon'nichiwa Yuki-Chan!" exclaimed Mrs.Chan when she opened the front door, her hair a hornet's nest in a bun. "Are you here to pick up Jun-Chan?" 

"Yes," Smiling Snow walked into the house,"I came over because Grandma Iyo said I needed to pick Jun-Chan up and show him around school today. " Looking in each room Snow noticed that Jun-Chan was nowhere in sight. "Where is Jun-Chan this morning?" 

"Oh!" exclaimed Mrs.Chan when she noticed Jun was not up,"I forgot to wake him up this morning." Laughing she walks into the kitchen and starts to make breakfast. "Snow school doesn't start until another thirty minutes, could you go wake Jun-Chan up while I make breakfast? I forgot to do it this morning. "

Smiling Snow turned and went up the stairs and down the hall to the last room, and as she was about to knock she froze.


Blushing Snow turns and heads back down the stairs. 

*I CAN'T DO THIS!!!!!!!!* 

*Sigh* "Calm down Snow," mumbled Snow as she now sat on the bottom step, "Just be calm, forget about yesterday and knock on the damn door. " 


Jun sat on his bed trying to put on his shoes while being half-asleep. When he heard strange sounds coming from the hall. 

*Sigh* "It's probably Gramps or Grams coming to wake me up.....I hope they didn't break a hip....or something."  Grabbing all his school supplies Jun opens the door, only to find Snow sitting on the bottom step. 

*The hell is she doing here?*

Quitely Jun walks down the steps hoping to give Snow a good scare. 




 "BOO!!!!!" Yelling Jun drapes himself over Snow capturing her in his arms.

"Fuck!" exclaimed a blushing Snow as tried breaking free from Jun's grasp. 

"You know Snowflake," Snickered Jun as he let Snow go,"you really need to watch that mouth of yours."  

"Shut up!" exclaimed Snow who now, because she fell,  sat on the floor just below the bottom step. "While we're at it I'm not your stink'in Snowflake!" 

"Hphm, you're right. Your not my stink'in Snowflake, your my cherry Snowflake, Snowflake. " Quickly he leans closer to Snow and, grasping her chin, forces her to look him in the eye. "Did you get that, Snowflake?" 

"You... you...Ugh!" 

Fleeing to the kitchen Snow leaves the snickering Jun-Chan behind. 

"Mrs.Chan!" called Snow," Jun's up and awake now so we're just going to pack up the breakfast so we won't be late to school, okay?" 

"Okay dear," Mrs.Chan handed Snow the breakfast in bento-boxes,"Oh! Before I forget..." Turning Mrs.Chan gives Snow two more bento-boxes. "Here you go dear, this is for lunch." 

"Thank you Mrs.Chan. " Smiling Snow turns face first into Jun's Chest. 

"Hey, watch it Snowflake. You'll end up hurting somebody." 

"Shut up and take these two bentos okay!" 

Once the bentos were safely backed in each of their bags they two headed off to school.

"Well, well," said Mr.Chan as he entered the kitchen" The house sure is lively this morning." 

*Chuckles* "Yes, I think Yuki-Chan will be a great influence on Jun-Chan. Don't you think so dear?" 

"I think they both need each other for their own unique reasons. "

"Yes, I think they'll be excellent friends." 

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