Chapter 5 - Home?

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Okinawa, Japan is a small island off the coast of Central Japan. Known for their Cherry blossoms (In January), Karate, and their traditions of having the "Biggest Tug-Of-War" it's certainly the most desired visiting spot in all of Japan. *So why do I feel so sick and tired of it already?* Snow was sitting in her new room at her grandma's house, she's only been living there for a week and she sees so many things that she just can't get over. For starters, Snow is a city girl who hates humid air, and she now lives in a seaside home. Her grandma insisted that she get rid of her "City clothing", so Snow now had to go shopping, which would have been fine if she didn't have to buy a whole new wardrobe. Lastly, the people. Most of the people were nice and made her feel at home, while others (girls her age) made her feel like trash. They would snicker and call her names while pushing her around at school. Snow didn't have any friends either, even though she is a the top of all of her classes and is the most athletic. Snow was having a hard time adjusting to her new life. The only thing that kept her sane was,"Snow! It's time for piano practice!"

Snow took her piano lessons from a nice elderly couple in her neighborhood, Mr. and Mrs. Chan, who was their neighbor. After packing all her things Snow went to her piano lesson with the Chan's. 

"Yuki!" exclaimed Mrs.Chan as Snow walked up the stairs of her front porch. Smiling Snow embraced Mrs.Chan and replied,"Kon'nichiwa Mrs.chan. What will we be doing today?"  "Well," started Mrs.Chan as she walked into her kitchen,"I have a surprise for you today." Curious Snow sat down at the table and leaning forward she looked intently into Mrs.Chan's eyes. "My grandson is moving here to Okinawa and he's in the same grade as you! I was wondering if you'd be interested in showing him around and adjusting him to live here in Okinawa. After all, you'll be seeing a lot of each other since we're neighbors and you take your piano lessons from Mr.Chan and I. So what do you say?" 

Smiling Snow replied, "That's great! It's no problem at all Mrs.Chan I'll be happy to! What's his name?"  Smiling Mrs.Chan took a photo off of her kitchen counter and handed it to Snow. "You can call him Jun-chan, and don't worry about being rude he requested that you call him that, Yuki-chan. " Snow stared at the photo that Mrs.Chan handed to her. The photo showed a little boy with black hair and blue eyes, his face in a complete frown as he held a cute stuffed bear. "He's not a very happy child is he, Mrs.Chan?" said Snow as she handed the photo back to Mrs.Chan. With a sigh, Mrs.Chan put the photo back on the kitchen counter. "He wasn't always like this my dear Yuki. He used to be such a happy child, but when his parents divorced he turned into a very ill-tempered boy. His father, who was the parent who gained custody, wasn't a very good influence either. *sigh* Sometimes the road of life takes a sharp left turn, and it takes a helluva good u-turn to get back in the right lane." 

Just then the bell rang, Snow stayed in the kitchen while Mrs.Chan went to answer it.  Snow sat alone in the kitchen for awhile contemplating and the predicament she had gotten herself into. *I wonder if he's still ill-tempered or if he changed? Maybe, but that doesn't mean I can call him Jun-chan does it? * Just then a boy entered the kitchen and, completely catching Snow off guard, decided to scare her by coming up behind her and yelling. "BOO!" Screaming Snow turned around to face the intruder. "You should've seen your face Yuki-chan!" Laughing Jun walked around the table and sat down facing Snow. His black hair shining in the light as his blue eyes sparkled with amusement Jun said, " The name is Jun but you can call me Jun-chan. I'd actually prefer that if my grandmother didn't already tell you. She also said I can call you       Yuki-chan. I hope we can be great friends." Smiling Snow reached out her hand and introduced herself as well. "My name is Snow but you can call me Yuki-chan I don't mind. I hope we can be good friends, too." Smiling Jun took Snow's hand and thus began a new friendship.

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