Chapter Two- Niall

Start from the beginning

            Liam and Danielle sat on one of the arm chairs together, cuddling. Louis and Eleanor sat on the floor together, with Louie’s head on Eleanor’s lap. Harry sat on the couch upside down wearing only boxers, and Zayn was away at the moment, visiting his girlfriend Perrie.

            “Harry can you put some clothes on? We have guests”

            “Well I’m not completely naked. It counts”

            I turned to Aria. “Ya Harry enjoys lounging around with his dingaling out quite often”.

            Louis looked puzzled. “His dingaling? Ohhh you meant his penis”. Aria laughed.

            “Niall don’t be rude, introduce us to your friend,” Liam said.

            “Aria this is Liam, Harry, Louis, Danielle, and Eleanor. Guys this is Aria, she lives next door”. Danielle and Eleanor smiled and waved hello. The boys all said ‘hey in union’.

            “So Aria how are you enjoying living next to Niall?” Harry asked.

            “I just moved in so I guess I’ll find out eventually”.

            “Do you want something to eat or drink or eat?” I asked, attempting to be a bit friendlier than I had been in the hallway.

            She shook her head. “Actually, I should probably get back. I have to wake up early tomorrow”.

            “It was nice meeting you,” Danielle said with a smile.

            “Bye”, she said.

            After Aria had left, Eleanor, Liam, Danielle, and Louis followed.  Harry turned to me and said “You know she was pretty..”


            “And she lives next door..”

            “Spit it out already”.

            “Are you going to shag her?”

            “Harry I don’t know her!”

            He chuckled. “So? She’s already right there and she’s not to bad looking. And she has some of the qualities you like in girls”.


            “Oh long hair, she’s short, a nice bum, the usual”

            “I didn’t look at her bum”

            “Come on mate don’t lie”

            I smiled. “Ok maybe I peeked once. But I don’t know her. And you know I think that sex is only for married people”

            Harry sighed. “You’re so old fashioned”

            “That’s fine by me”.

             “Niall you could be shagging hundreds of girls”

            “And Harry, you could be wearing some trousers”

            He playfully shoved me. “You know my nudity intrigues you”.

            I shoved him back. “Oh most definetly”.

            Harry winked at me. “I promise not to go for this one. She’s yours”.

            “I don’t want her”.

            He sighed and sank into the leather armchair that Liam and Danielle had been cuddling on before. “Jesus Niall when are you gonna just stop being picky and find yourself a girl? Liam’s with Danielle. Eleanor’s with Louie. Perrie’s with Zayne. Don’t you want to have a girlfriend?”

            “Not all of us have girls. You don’t.”

            He laughed. “I don’t have serious relationships. But I do have girlfriends every so often and if I’m not dating I’m at least fooling around with a girl. You just shy away from girls. Fan girls drool for you but you disregard it. Celebrities flirt with you but you ignore it. Why?”

            “Harry I really am happy this way. I want a girlfriend. But only when the time is right”.

            “When will that time be?”

            “I don’t know yet. But I’ll know when it comes I’ll just know”

            “Are you sure you’re happy?”

            “I’m positive”.

            Harry set aside his rarely seen serious side and cracked a grin. “She had a rather nice body though. You have to admit it”.

            I laughed. “It was extremely nice. I’ll admit that much”.

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