Chapter Twenty Four - Leading The Chase -

Start from the beginning

What had gotten into her just now? Attacking me like I'd been out to get her. How the hell am I supposed to explain away these marks to anyone that asks? I rub my hand across them, suppressing the urge to lash out at her for her actions, who knew what she'd been thinking when I'd crept up on her, and as much as I'm reluctant to know, I have to ask.

Beside me, Danica inhales deeply, "I'm really sorry." She says, the guilt evident in her tone of voice.

Turning to face her I say, "What just happened? Why did you strike out at me?"

She lifts her wet hands to her hair that's piled on top of her head messily and says, "I dozed off, I was dreaming, you startled me from my dream." The words are shortened statements, loose answers and I know she's avoiding the point.

Without saying a word in response, I give her a look that tells her that I don't believe her and she sighs softly, knowing the gig is up.

"It was more of a memory. I was dreaming of when I killed Charles Porter. But it was slightly distorted. It didn't play out how I ended it. He had gotten a handle on me somehow and I became the victim instead. That's why I lunged at you like that. I really am sorry." She looks disappointed in herself. Embarrassed. Ashamed.

And she should be.

This isn't a dream. This is our reality and she needs to get the two straight before something really fucking bad happens. Good thing she didn't have a knife nearby. Her nails had been bad enough.

"It's okay." I reply at last, averting my gaze back to the mirror before me and stare at the reddened marks again.

Though it isn't okay that she'd been so mentally involved in the past that she didn't know where she really is. I realise that it'd been a disjointed memory and that things hadn't gone that way in actuality, but it doesn't change the fact that she had lost sight in that moment. It seems that not only her physical side needs to have some work done on it. Unfortunately there's nothing I can do to help her there though, that's all on her.

Looking back at her, Danica stares blankly at the bubbles, silence engulfs is as the song dies out and another begins moments later, another slow and eerie Evanescence song. It doesn't help the situation, only further dampening the mood as I change directions and head out of the bathroom, heading for the bedroom and our ensuite to tend to my neck.

Several minutes later, Danica walks into the bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed in silence as she watches me take off my work clothes and throw on a pair of jeans and a tee.

"Don't." I say, knowing that she is going to apologise again. It's not that I don't believe that she's sorry, I do, but she doesn't need to say it a million times. I get it. It was an accident. A reaction.

"Do you want to do some surveillance tonight?" I ask, attempting to divert the situation and lighten the mood.

Danica sits up a little straighter. "That'd be good. Do you want to eat first?" She asks, speaking a little gentler than normal.

"Sure. But we will just grab something to go and eat in the car."

"Okay." She says, standing up to find something to wear herself.

A few minutes later and we're in the car, driving out of our street and heading for the last known residence of Chester. I am sure that he'd still be there, being that he had been of interest in a death. It is always of the authorities best interests to keep tabs on a person of interest. I am holding onto that fact either way.

Driving in silence, I can still sense that Danica is feeling unsure of herself and what she did to me tonight, and despite my acceptance of her apology, I want her to take this as seriously as she can. We can't have another slip up like that. If we do, I'll have more to worry about than just containing her desire to kill.

Forcing the thoughts from my mind, I focus on what we're doing now. I'll return to those questions later. Consider the options when I've settled the Seth situation and gotten a clear idea of what the next step is with Danica and her plans for Chester. Speaking of, what is she planning for him?

I turn my head slightly in her direction, but keep my eyes on the road, "We need to talk about your plans for Chester tonight."

"Hmm?" She replies, clearly she wasn't listening fully.

I repeat my statement.

"Oh. Yeah I guess I haven't thought that far ahead. I'm hoping that we get a better idea about what he has been up to. I'd like to turn his deeds against him at the end of it all. It seems like he might've drugged his mother with something lethal. Maybe that's what it'll come down to at the end." She shrugs casually, as if speaking of killing someone is a normal part of life.

"Right. Well, let's just think on it a bit longer then, shall we?" I suggest.

"Yep." She says, with no elaboration.

I'm not ignorant to her hidden desire to get to him herself. In her eyes, I took her last kill from her, but it just eventuated that way, I thought it would be smarter to just go with my plan. And it had been. But Danica wouldn't have liked it either way and I'm now finally happy to accept how it all played out. Even if I ended things for her.

It's something I'm having to come to terms with over this constant learning process. As much as Danica wants this all for herself, it won't always be best for it to go that way. I'll have to insert myself into the situation at times, to keep things from getting completely out of hand or endangering the both of us.

Nothing is going to stop me from protecting both of us, no matter how it makes Danica feel.


How's about that now?
Danica struck out at Alex!
By accident, yes, but she should be more careful, especially now!

What do you think of how she reacted?

Alex is still desperately trying to help her, but he's also ignoring his own problems to help her.

Anywho, good to see you all again, I'm keen to see this book hit 1000 reads and it's reaaaally not all that far off. I'm seriously thrilled to have you all continue on with this series, sometimes it's trying, but I'm sticking to this until the end! I promise!

Thank you again and again and again.
You all rock.

Shantelle 🤩

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