Colors - Yang Jeongin Imagine

Start from the beginning

When the bell rang signaling the end of class, Jeongin quickly jumped out of his desk and skedaddled out of class, while you slowly packed up your things, too lazy to get out of your seat. The rest of the school day dragged on, and you discovered that Jeongin was in every single one of your classes. And in every single one of your classes, the girls fawned over him, while you didn't care much for him. Jeongin was simply another classmate to deal with. 

But as time went on, Jeongin gradually opened up to you. Each morning in your first class, he began to greet you in the mornings with a bright, "Hello Y/n! Have a good night's sleep?" You didn't have any intentions to become all buddy buddy with him, but something about the way that Jeongin smiled at you made it impossible to not smile back at him. 

One morning, Jeongin approached you with a bag full of cookies. "Good morning Y/n! I was baking last night, and I remembered one day that you said that you loved cookies. Would you like some?" He asked while holding out the sandwich bag full of cookies towards you. Sheepishly nodding, you reached inside to pull out a cookie. 

"Are these... colored?" You asked as you inspected the  appearance of the small baked good. It didn't appear to be the grey color that you would normally see within a cookie, but it seemed to have a tint of.. something. You just couldn't tell what. 

"Yes, you can't see it? They're pink. I just thought it would be nice to color it since it's nearing Valentine's day, and since it's your favorite color," Jeongin admitted before scratching the back of his neck while feeling a blush begin to form on his cheeks. The corners of your lips turned upwards as you continued to examine the cookie trying to remember what the color pink looked like. 

"No, I actually can't see it," you whispered. "But thank you, I appreciate the thought." 

Jeongin's eyebrows furrowed as he looked back down at the cookies he held in his hand, while you bit down into one. "You can't see it? They're a really bright pink though." You shook your head as you swallowed, looking back up at Jeongin. 

"I can't really see color," you responded. 

"What? Are you color blind? Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry-" Jeongin began to say before he was cut off by the teacher entering the room, telling people to take their seats. Throughout the entire duration of the lecture, Jeongin couldn't help but wonder what you meant by not being able to see colors. It puzzled the boy, yet he wanted to find out more. 

Jeongin finally got his answer when he approached you after school. 

"What do you mean you can't see colors?" He asked, jogging up to you to reach your pace. 

"Is that really what has been troubling you all day?" You responded, raising an eyebrow at him. 

"Yes, it has been. You're color blind?" He asked. 

"No, I'm not colorblind," You rapidly shook your head denying his theory. 

"What do you mean you can't see color? How is pink your favorite color if you can't see colors?" Jeongin asked throwing questions out at you. 

"I used to be able to see colors, but now I can't. And pink is my favorite, because that was the color I loved the most when I was little. But now I forget what pink looks like. I only know grey, black and white." 

Jeongin's eyebrows furrowed even more as he began to become even more puzzled. "I am genuinely confused." 

You gave him a small smile before stopping in the middle of the sidewalk to simply feel the sun shine it's warm rays down on your face. "You don't have to be confused. Just know that I live in a world full of black and white. But that's okay." 

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