Chapter twenty eight

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Harry knew he could always call for help. A few taps on the phone and they would be out of this place. For good. He felt like his emotions about this place isn't as strong as they used to be. When he looked over water, surrounded by large trees which was covered in snow, he didn't link it to Gemma. It was just another... place.

He thought coming here would give him answers, but he saw no point in it now, whatsoever. It's a strange feeling. When his sister died, he thought it was the biggest thing that had ever happened on this earth, but no. Nothing has changed. Nothing seems to be different after her death. Absolutely nothing.

"This is the last protein bar. Tomorrow we gotta call someone." Louis spoke up. He was opening the last protein bar Harry had in his car. Harry usually took one before driving to the park to work out. He sued to have 6, but since he never bothered calling anyone, there now 1.

"Yea." He agreed and watched Louis break the protein bar into two pieces. "No, don't worry about me. I'm not hungry."

Louis watched Harry climb to the back of the car. "Okay." He wasn't going to protest.

His eyes moved back and forth from Harry to his thighs. He looked a little off. He wouldn't exactly expect him to be so happy. He's after all not at some random location. Not even Louis feel like himself. He's creeped out most of the time. But who can blame him. Who wouldn't be a little creeped out by being in a simple car in the middle of nowhere?

A little smile snuck up on his lips and he laid the protein bar in the driver seat. He climbed to the back of the car as well and sat on top of Harry. He was laying down on his back, so Louis took the chance to on his lap.

Harry's eyes immediately opened up as he felt Louis on top of him. That's nothing he expected Louis to do at all. "Hey there." He smirked and laid one hand over his head to get some hair out of his face to look at Louis better.

Louis let out a bubbly chuckle. He looked so confused at first, it was just so cute. He mostly see Harry as a pretty serious guy, but now he was getting all soft underneath him. "Hey." He said and leaned down to press his thinner lips against Harry's plump ones. Somehow the difference worked perfectly.

"I don't like it here. Why can't we make this last night into something worth remembering?" Louis asked, his lips still brushing Harry's. He didn't want the feeling to go away. Not yet. Being this close to Harry warmed up his body. Everything about him made his body heat up. Even his smell. When he hasn't smoked.

Harry let out a groan, still keeping the smirk on his face. "You know very well you're my boy, and I would do anything to make you happy." He started of and his hands grabbed Louis' clothed hips. "But no. We can't have sex if that's what you want." He told him.

Louis' smiled turned as he listened to his words. Was he having a laugh. "Why would you say that? I'm sure about it. I don't care if it happens here. As long as it's with you I'm cool a out it." He tried to convince him, but if didn't seem like it worked. "Come on, I'm horny."

Harry let out a laugh at the last sentence. "I am too, always, but we should wait. Maybe-"

"Hold on." Louis interrupted. "You started messaging me, wanting to fuck, and when I finally give in... you back off?" He didn't see the logic. What if he said yes in the beginning? Maybe he lost interest in him? "I really want to."

Harry removed his hands from his hips in case it just increased his lust. "I wasn't thinking back then. Even though it's just a little while ago." He replied.

"I'm not in the mood." Harry simply said. He didn't want to explain himself. He hopes it's enough for Louis to calm down.

Louis furrowed his eyebrows. He was the confused one. "You're just not feeling it yet. I'll help you." He said and leaned back down, but this time to connect his lips to his neck. He remembers how Harry did it. He first traced his tongue over the skin and then gently started sucking. Louis was just about to do that, but Harry grabbed his small biceps, pushing him back up.

"Aren't you listening!" Harry said in full frustration. He surprised himself. He thought he wanted this, he really did, but he can't help but try stopping it. "Go back to your seat."

He felt like a dad yelling at his kid.

Louis got shocked by the loud voice he gave him. Was that necessary? He's not good with these types of situations. He thought he was doing all the correct moves, supposedly he wasn't. He didn't understand. Louis has no experience with sex, but he always thought Harry wanted it.

Louis ended up obeying Harry. He climbed back to the passenger seat, and curled up as he felt himself getting cold again from not having Harry close anymore.

He still had no clue what he did wrong.

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