Chapter twenty seven

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Louis couldn't help whining over his stiff neck

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Louis couldn't help whining over his stiff neck. He's been sleeping pretty badly in this car. Not having a pillow, a soft spot to rest his head... nor a blanket. Harry did definitely not think through this. If Louis was the one planning the trip, he would have at least brought a type of duvet or blanket. It's cold as fuck. Pardon his french, but it really is. Even with Harry pressed up against him, he could feel shivers up his spine, along with fingers and toes cold as ice. He would like to say it's cold as hell, but it's the complete opposite of hell.

But he can imagine it being colder this morning since Harry was no where snuggled up to him. His stomach crumbled a little when he found himself hugging cold air. He was in need for a cuddle. His eyes fluttered open, meeting the cold truth. He really was hugging himself when he woke up. He sticks his bottom lip out slightly. Where is he? They have been here for 2 days in total, and not until now has he woken up without Harry.

A loud hum left his sore lips. The cold really made his lips crack and turn all sore. He wish Harry could leave the heat on in the car while they slept, but he always told him no. He didn't ask why. Louis sat up tiredly, leaning back into the cold fabric of the car seats. The only spot that was warm was the place he just slept in. What a nice "holiday", or whatever you would call this trip. He wouldn't call this a holiday. Holidays are supposed to be more welcoming and exciting. This place is far from welcoming, nor is it much exciting. They have only gone for walks and stayed in the car most of the time. Louis wasn't even supposed to stay for this long, but Harry somehow convinced him. Like he always do. He can be a little manipulative. He can't imagine all the messages and calls he's gotten from his family. He turned his phone off yesterday.

He took a quick glance outside the car, trying to lay his eyes on Harry. But with no success. Where the hell was he? He's really worried now. He would like to turn his phone on and just call him, but he's not really looking forward to all the notifications from his family just yet. They must be furious. So he decided to just wait.

He turned his eyes to the steering wheel, seeing the keys hanging from the engine right under. This would be a great opportunity to turn the car on to get some heat into this cold "prison". He climbed over to the front seat, hitting his head in the roof of the car a couple of times. "Ugh." He let out in frustration, but he managed to settle down. This car is manual, he had no idea how to work that. He tried to practice his driving, but he always got sweaty palms whenever he grabbed onto a steering wheel.

He looked closely at the three pedals underneath him. He think the further out to the left is the clutch, at least that's what he imagine. It looks the most reasonable. "I hate this car already." He mumbled to himself as he pressed down the pedal. He then turned the key till he heard the engine start. Louis could finally let his nerves go away as he heard the car turning on. That was a great feeling. There's been few times he's even gotten this far.

He looked over at all the buttons and symbols. He knew which one was the heat, luckily, he's not that stupid. He's been a passenger before and he's usually controlling the heat and stuff since the drivers are too busy driving. He turned on the heat to a reasonable temperature. It already felt so much better.

The corner of Louis' mouth rises as he felt the cold air vanish. He screwed the car seat down so he could get the seat to resemble more of a bed. He was in need for a nap with this warmth. He was so comfortable that his body became sloppy and eyelids heavy. It only took a minute for Louis to fall into a much needed nap. He had a feeling that this nap would be the best one so far.

It's been two hours since Louis fell asleep. He woke up the second time this day, but when he opened his eyes, his eyes immediately laid on a figure that was leaning on the hood of the car. He jumped a little in his seat the first second, but soon relaxed when he noticed it was only Harry. He was sitting on the hood, smoking a cigarette. He wondered where he's been. It must have been a few hours since he noticed he was gone, and who knows how long he was gone before he woke up this morning.

He also noticed the car being off. Harry must have turned it off when he came back. Despite that, the air was still warm.

Louis leaned his head against the freezing window, flinching a little. He adjusted his head so his skin didn't touch the glass as much. Harry looked so good sitting there, smoking on his cigarette. He wasn't much into cigarettes, but Harry made it look hot. That doesn't give him the right to smoke, but he'll let this time pass.

He looked so sad in a way, or is it just the cold that makes his face curl up? Maybe he's craving a hug? Or maybe not. He believed Harry to be the type to just go for it. He pretty much is. If Harry really need something, like a kiss, hug or sweet words, he wouldn't be too embarrassed to ask for it.

He never thought he would be here, here with Harry in general. He never wanted someone like him, he never wanted to like someone as much as he likes Harry, but now he wants it all.

Harry threw his cigarette into the snow, stepping on it just in case. He slides of the hood and turned to took at Louis as he made his way to his door. His expression never changed, not even when Louis sent him a smile. He opened the door, far enough for Louis to get out. "Let's get some food." He told him.

Louis was quick to climb out of the car. He was really hungry. He was craving some real junk food. He pressed a kiss to Harry's lips, unfortunately tasting the cigarette, which made him cringe. He walked over to the passenger side and got in before he started freezing. "Are we going home?"

Harry closed the door. "You want to go home?" He asked and turned his head to look at his baby. Louis is a great person to just sit and kind of just admire what he's like. Also his beauty. He hoped a "no" would leave his lips.

Louis started shaking his head. "I didn't say that. My parents are already mad at me for leaving, might as well be gone for a little while." He chuckled and crumbled up in his seat, his knees close to his chest. "But maybe go somewhere else? Only if you're done here?"

Harry looked away from the smaller boy, taking a second look at the place outside his car. "Yes, maybe it's time." He agreed. "It's been some time now haven't it?" He asked as he reached for the key. He furrowed his eyebrows as he saw it was already turned all the way. He turned it back and tried to start it, but with no success. It was only making weird noises. "Shit." He said and tried one last time. Still nothing. He let go of the key and fell back into the seat. "Did you leave the battery on?" He asked Louis, closing his eyes to relax a little in case he replied with a "yes".

Louis went quiet for a few seconds. He didn't quite think about the battery. He just wanted some heat into the car. "I'm sorry."

Harry groaned deeply. "Guess we're stuck then."


Next chapter is going to be INTERESTING 😏

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