Chapter three

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The next day, Louis woke up to the sound of his alarm clock on his phone

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The next day, Louis woke up to the sound of his alarm clock on his phone. It was currently 06:30 am. His school started 07:30 am, so he got exactly an hour to get ready.

A loud huff left the small boy in the bed as the alarm kept going. He forced himself to open his eyes and turned to where his phone laid, his finger pressing the off button to the alarm. He fell back into the bed after, not feeling like getting out of bed. One, because it was early and he was definitely not a morning person. Two, Harry. He's a pain in the arse.

About 25 minutes later, he was dressed into his skinny jeans and white v-neck that exposed some of his hairless chest. He hated hair on his body unless it was on his head, so he always got rid of that whenever he took a shower.

He ate breakfast, talking with his mum and sisters by the breakfast table for about 10 minutes. It took quiet some time to walk to school, so he had to get out of the house early. Sucks he didn't have a car or someone to drive him. It was always the bus, but he would have to get up earlier than 06:30 to be able to catch up with it.

"Okay, I'm done." He said and sat laid his fork down on the plate. "Thanks for the breakfast, mum." He told her with a smile on his face. He hurried over to the door and got his shoes on before disappearing out of the house.

At school, he met up with his friend, Niall, giving him a weak hug as well. It surprised him that he wasn't around his own friends, but maybe they haven't arrived yet.

"I haven't seen you for days." Niall told his friend and shook his head in disbelief.

A frown formed on Louis' face, making him look down at his feet. "Ehm, no." He agreed and glanced back up at him. "I think we should hang out more often. I've been quiet the lonely type lately." He pointed out with a sigh leaving his lips.

"Maybe, when I get time. I have a few plans coming up and I would rather not cancel them in the last minute." Niall replied, feeling like he was letting Louis down. "I'm sorry." He shrugged a bit. He understands that spending time with Louis hasn't been his first priority for a while now, but he wouldn't want to let his other mates down.

Later that day, in lunch to be exact, Louis stood in the long line. He looked around the cafeteria he was in, seeing all the tables being taken. He sighed to himself and looked back at all the meals you could buy. He went for a simple tuna sandwich, it was the cheapest one after all.

After paying for the sandwich, Louis made his way out of the cafeteria, deciding to find somewhere else to sit so he could eat his lunch.

School sucked.

On his way to the library, he stumbled into a fellow student, dropping his tuna sandwich to the floor.
His eyes traveled up the figure in front of him, his eyes widen at the sight of him. Harry.

Harry was just standing there, a smug smirk forming in his face. "You need to be careful, babe, keep your head up while you walk." He told him, leaning down to pick up his sandwich.

Louis was about to say something, but not a word could leave his lips. He was just surprised to see Harry, that's all. "I know. I'm just clumsy." He responded with an awkward chuckle.

Harry let out a small chuckled as well at his response and nodded along with his words. "You are. But aren't we all when we see something we like? Everything around us just fade." He told him and gave him his sandwich back.


Louis took the tuna sandwich back and cleared his throat when he felt the awkward tension.

Harry kept his eyes on the boy, all of him. His eyes was wandering up and down his body. It made him step closer to him, his hands being laid on his hips. "Just watch where you're going next time, or I'll make you bend over, and not to pick up whatever you'll be dropping." He smiled and let go of him, walking away with a smirk plastered on his face.

It made Louis scared, he had to admit that. But he shook his head to get the situation to not reply in his head, and instead made his way into the library to eat his lunch.

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