Chapter nineteen

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Louis decided to make his way to Harry's house in his own

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Louis decided to make his way to Harry's house in his own. The original plan was for Harry to come get him, but he managed that part himself perfectly fine. He had to admit he wasn't looking forward going home to Harry. Especially not after what he told him about his father. He don't want to get invoked in this drama that's currently going on between him and his family. Sounds like something Harry has no control over too.

It was different to see that side of Harry. The side that had not much control over the situation. He usually was the smirky and up going guy, but talking about his father made him different. Just... different.

He feel extremely bad for him though. Yes, he's different when his father is the topic, but that's not a good different. More like an insecure one.

He paused the song he was listening to when he arrived Harry's place. He stood on the sidewalk, facing the house. It wasn't anything special, just a normal brick house like his own. He walked into the driveway and licked his dry lips. It was very cold, so he was looking forward going inside to gain some heat.

Louis: I'm outside.

Texting Harry might be a better idea in case knocking would cause his father to open up. He's not ready to meet him yet, he's here for Harry.

Harry: 10 seconds.

Louis wrapped the wires of the earbuds around the phone before laying it into his pocket of his jacket. He heard footsteps from the staircase, meaning it was close to the door. And he was right. He saw Harry's tall figure behind the blurry glass of the window. The door opened and Harry looked Louis up and down. "Come in."

Louis smiled small and gave him a nod. He stepped into the house and surprisingly it wasn't much warmer inside. Why so cold? Are the whole family Werwolfs or some shit? "You can hang your jacket here if you want." He suddenly said, making Louis hum.

Louis didn't want to be rude, so he unzipped the jacket and tried not to shiver while hanging up his jacket by the door. It was nice here though. He thought it would look like a pig shelter. He don't know why, but that's what he always imagine whenever someone says they have a "terrible" family.

Harry started walking up the stairs again and Louis joined. It wasn't much talking in the beginning, but Louis wanted to get his questions answered today. He had so many. He just hoped Harry would cooperate with him. It was important. If Harry really is hurting, holding it to himself can sometimes make it worse.

It was only one room in the second floor that had an open door, and that's where Harry's room were apparently. He walked inside and took a look around. "What a... nice room?" He questioned himself. It was a dark blue room. Almost black if you didn't take another glance at the walls. A double sized bed by the window and a few posters on the walls. Poster of "The Beatles", "Pink Floyd", "Elvis", "Guns n Roses". He had good taste in music though. At least he wasn't one of those types who only listen to House Music and party remixes. Trust him, he's met some guys like that and it can get pretty annoying when it comes to finding a song they both want to listen to on the radio.

"You like Elvis?" He asked. He was actually listening to one of his songs on his way to his house. "I listened to 'In the Ghetto' on my way here."

Harry turned around, a soft smile playing on is lips. "Really? I love that song. 'Can't help falling in love' is probably my favourite though. I wish I was born sooner so I could go to an Elvis concert." He chuckled and sat down on his bed. "Do you ever feel like that? That you're born in the wrong time period?"

Louis could relate a little. There's been times 2017 has been one hell of a sucky year and straight up too much. The social media for example, he hates it. He's gotten some hate on there and it's way more aggressive than hate in real life. People act so tough when they aren't facing the victim. It's disgusting. "It can happen. What about you?"

Harry nodded. There's a lot people don't know about him. For example, he doesn't express his true self at all. He just wears and acts whatever people expect from him. Most people don't even know he's into The Beatles or Elvis. They just expect him to be a tough guy who plays around with girls. "All the time. My grandfather tells me a lot about the 60's and 70's, and I like it a lot. The clothes even were cool. But I can't wear... I don't know." He was drawn to it. But he never dared to wear whatever he wanted to wear. It's mostly a white shirt and black jeans.

"You don't look like the type to enjoy that stuff." He truthfully said. "Why can't you? I think it looks good too. They are different, in a good way." He wasn't lying. Harry could pretty much wear anything and it would look like a new trend. He can't figure out why Harry is scared to do so. Standing out is not always a bad thing.

"Forget it. Sit here." He told Louis and evened out the duvet so Louis could sit comfortably beside him. "You came here to hear my story." He was nervous to expose everything. He's not good anyone. Only his closest friend, the guy at the party. He looked away when he felt Louis' body beside him. He's planned what to say all day now, but when it was finally time, his mind stopped worked. It isn't easy, no one said it would be easy either. "I don't know why... I'm acting up when it comes to being around people. I guess I'm just very protective over myself, would rather hurt someone else than my own feelings. But it started around 5 years ago." He started off. "I had a sister named Gemma. The most amazing sister a brother can ask for. She and her friends decided to take a boat trip. They were young and didn't know what to do. She was a smart girl, but she definitely got into the wrong group of friends. So... They stole a small motor boat at night and drove around, just having a laugh. They where so far from land, no one could see them. When they were really far out, waves started getting bigger and the wind stronger." He took a break. He swallowed the lump in his throat, even after 5 years, this story still hits him hard.

"Like I said, the wind got stronger and it tipped the boat over. None of them had life jackets on. Fucking idiots. The waves were way too strong and unfortunately they were too far out for anyone to hear them yell. They swam back to the dock, and all of them except Gemma survived. Can you imagine? The fucked up friends managed to get away, but not my sister. My sister who actually got good grades didn't survive, but the ones who had to take summer school twice did." It's very disturbing to think about it. Obviously Gemma agreed with all this, but she didn't know better. She was too blinded by her 'friends'. "And we still haven't found her body."

Louis almost held his breath throughout the whole story. Drowning is his biggest nightmare. Just the thought of not getting air, even though you're trying your hardest. It scares him. He can't imagine a more terrible death. It gave him so much sympathy for Harry. Maybe that is why his father is such a Douche. Losing your own daughter, wow... "I'm sorry. Sounds awful. Truly awful."

"My father was very close to her, he sometimes blames me for not taking care of her like brothers do. I knew her friends weren't the best for her, I should have said something, but I didn't." Blaming himself was wrong, but he can't help it. He could have prevented it if he just tried.

Louis took Harry's hand out of nowhere. He felt like it was the right time to do so. Harry has been through a lot and probably the worst. Losing someone you love is so hard. He lifted his head up to look at him, Harry's eyes watching him back. "You have my support." He promised. It wasn't much to say, he just wanted him to know he's here if he needs him. He leaned closer till his forehead met Harry's. "I'm here." He said and Harry was already connecting their lips before Louis could make the first move.

It was lovely.

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