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After the gods revealed themselves they called their most powerful demigod children to Olympus. Perseus Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Jason Grace, Piper McLean, Franklin Zhang, Hazel Levesque, Leonardo Valdez, Thalia Grace, Nicolas Di Angelo, Will Solace, Clarisse La Rue, Conner and Travis Stoll, Katie Gardiner, Miranda Gardner, and Calypso of Ogygia. The demigods noticed that there was now sixteen thrones and fourteen smaller non-permanent thrones in the throne room. The gods were sitting on the smaller thrones and were half the size they usually are, but not as small as a mortal. They also noticed that the larger thrones were different.

In the middle there was a Silvery Grey throne with owl feathers to the right and a Sea green throne with a wave effect to the left. Then on one side it went, a sky blue throne crackling with electricity. A light purple throne with light pink hearts beating. A gold throne with gems that pop in and out at random places. A deep green throne with silhouettes constantly moving and changing shape. An orange and red throne with a flame effect. A white throne with moon lace flowers wrapped around the top. And a silver throne with the silhouette of a girl shooting an arrow at the moon. On the other side was a black throne that looked like it was made out if bones. A bright yellow throne that radiated sunlight. A blood red throne with silhouettes of weapons. A tree green throne that is covered in vines. A pale blue throne with paint splotches. A pale blue throne with a silly string design. A grass green throne with bright coloured flowers painted on the side.

"What is going on Zeus?" "Perseus. We have decided that Olympus needs new rulers."

"What!?!?!" "Yes children, you will be taking over our roles on the Olympian council. We have also added a few members." Then with a flash of light, all of the demigod's mortal families showed up. "Let the ceremony begin. Once you have eaten an apple of immortality and you are seated on your throne, you will have all of your parents godly powers and more bestowed upon you."

"Thalia Grace, you are my not my daughter but my sister. You shall be the goddess of Childbirth, the Hunt, the Moon, Archery, and Trust."

"Katie Gardner and Miranda Gardiner. You shall be the co-goddesses of the harvest and fertility."

"Conner and Travis Stoll. You shall be co-gods of eloquence, messengers, pranks, tricksters, and laughter."

"William Solace. You shall be the god of the sun, music, poetry, and medicine."

"Leonardo Valdez. You shall be the god of fire, blacksmiths, forges, and saviours."

"Calypso. You shall be the goddess of marriage and freedom."

"Clarisse La Rue. You shall be the goddess of war, and selflessness. Franklin Zhang you shall be the god of war, animals, and shape shifting."

"Hazel Levesque. You shall be the goddess of precious jewels, rebirth, magic, and reincarnated souls. Nicolas Di Angelo. You shall be the god of the underworld, ghosts and lost souls."

"Piper McLean. You shall be the goddess of love, beauty, inner beauty, and courage."

"Jason Grace. You shall be the god of the skies, lightning, wind, and bravery."

"Annabeth Chase. You shall be the goddess of wisdom, battle strategy, crafts, hope, and confidence."

"Perseus Jackson. You shall be the god of the seas, earthquakes, loyalty, heroes, swordsmanship, and you shall be the king of the gods. Your queen shall be chosen when you are married, although we all already know who it shall be."

After the gods told their children their titles they were given an apple of immortality and were seated on their thrones. The families of the new gods were all shocked that they where not only on Olympus, but that they were the families of gods. After the mortal families left, Zeus made one final announcement. "Because we know how loyal you are to each other, the demigods will still come from the old gods, we will not force you to have children with anyone other than your significant other. Thank you." Then they left the new Olympians to process the past events.

Time skip, two weeks.

A lot has happened in the past two weeks, Percy and Annabeth, Piper and Jason, Leo and Calypso, and, Frank and Hazel got married. Will and Nico, Connor and Miranda, and, Travis and Katie are engaged. Chris Rodriguez became immortal and, he and Clarisse got married. Other people became immortal too, aka, Reyna, Rachel, and Octavian. Rachel is still the Oracle, Octavian is still the Augur, and Reyna is still the Praetor of New Rome, and Thalia's Lieutenant. Rachel and Octavian, surprisingly, are dating. The elders of Olympus had one more surprise for the new gods. "Since most of you are technically still teenagers, and the Mortal world does not know that we stepped down, you will all be attending high school until further notice." Then we were flashed out.

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