"YOU'VE WATCHED IT?!" Jimin's eyes were twinkling. His fanboy mode was activated.

Seokjin giggled at his enthusiasm.

"I'm currently taking acting classes so I watch a lot of dramas and movies as references."

"Watching dramas and movies is my hobby!" Jimin bounced up and down in his sitting position.

Seokjin placed one hand over his chest and the other hand stretched out.

"My dear! With God as my witness, I vow to forever stay by your side, cook meals when you're hungry and feed you ice cream whenever you're sick!"

Seokjin was re-enacting a famous scene from the drama.

Jimin stood up and also began to act.

"Quit being silly. You know you can't fulfill any of those things." With a saddened expression, Jimin walked off.

"Wait!" Seokjin ran up and grabbed Jimin by the shoulders, turning him around.

"I really mean what I said." Seokjin's face contorted with sadness, "I know it may appear as if I prioritize my work because I've been so busy lately but that's not true!" He pulled Jimin into an embrace. "I want to be there for you whenever you need me. You're more important than my work. And I couldn't bare to lose you."

Jimin began sniffing in attempt to fake cry.

Seokjin pulled back from their hug, his hands still on Jimin's shoulders. He looked into Jimin's eyes and kissed him.

Jimin wasn't expecting them to act out the kissing part but just relaxed and let their lips move against each others'.

"Okay, cut." Yoongi said as he pushed the two apart.
"We're in class."

A few of their classmates were watching and but quickly turned their heads as if they saw nothing.

Jin just flashed his usual smile while Jimin looked down in embarrassment.

The teacher clapped her hands gaining the attention of all the students.

"Singers, line up. We're gonna do some vocal training."

Seokjin turned towards Jimin, "You took this course to be a singer right?"

Jimin nodded.
"Me too!" Seokjin smiled.

The two went towards the teacher, leaving Yoongi behind as he resumed practicing the piano.

It was mainly female alphas. Seokjin and Jimin stood out like a sore thumb.

"First, let's warm up our voices. Repeat after me. Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do."

The alphas and Jimin all sang. Jimin kept his voice a bit quieter because he wanted to hear all the pretty alpha voices.

"Well then, I feel a little bad asking this but Jimin," Jimin jumped back a bit in surprise and looked at his teacher. "Omegas have sweet voices and since we're the only omegas in the class, would you mind singing a solo for us?" The teacher smiled.

Jimin nodded. "I'm not that confident in my singing abilities, but i'll try!"

Jimin took a little huff of air and began singing. All the singers and non-singers stopped whatever they were doing and watched as Jimin continued to let out his soulful voice. They felt enchanted.

Jimin finished and the whole room applauded for him. He gave a surprised smile and began saying little 'thank you's to everyone.

"If you were a singer then I'd buy all of your albums!" One of the female alphas said.

(JIMINxBTS) The Alpha/Omega School {COMPLETED}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum