Chapter 3 - Blessings from the High Priest

Start from the beginning

Accompanied by the Temple guard, Ahrahk, Noroth steps forward to one of these wounded soldiers and looks upon his wounds. This one soldier, in particular, grips his side as he suffers from a large gash on his torso. Noroth can see traces of blood pouring through the soldier's fingers. Staring at the soldier, the high priest addresses him, "Servant of the Temple, you are bleeding profusely. You must be in so much pain."

The soldier lets out a grunt as he struggles to stand before the high priest. Looking upon his face, Noroth can see that the soldier is experiencing excruciating pain. He musters all of the strength he has left just to respond, "There is no pain too great that I would not bear in the name of Cazzayus... No wound too dire that I would not suffer for the glory of the Temple... To feel such pain is to be blessed by the God of Pain himself."

Noroth's eyes begin to glow yellow as he hears these words. Noroth clasps his hands together as if in prayer, and a glow of yellow light begins to form in between his hands. Noroth places his hands over the soldier and his wound, and he responds to the soldier, "Your pain is a testament to your faith. May your sacrifice please our lord and master, Cazzayus. As you bear this pain in the name of the God of Pain, the God of Pain shall bear your pain."

Noroth channels his magical energy into the wound of the soldier. After a few moments, Noroth brings his hands back together before him. The face of the soldier, that once showed agony, now shows relief. He brings himself to stand tall and fully upright without any sign of pain. The soldier presses against his side and wipes the blood from his skin revealing only a scar where there was once a wound. Overcome with joy, the soldier falls to his knees and brings his hands together before him. With gratitude, he bows his head such that it touches the ground before Noroth. The soldier expresses his gratitude to the high priest, "Praise be to Cazzayus. Praise be to Noroth. Long live the high priest of the Temple. Many thanks, your holiness."

Noroth looks down at the soldier and responds, "As you have given your life for the Temple, the Temple gives you new life. You have been healed by the hand of Cazzayus so that you may one day serve his purpose. We are all children of Cazzayus, and it is my duty as the high priest to care for all of our lord's children. Praise be to Cazzayus. May he forever lend his strength to those who serve his holy Temple."

With those words, Noroth and his guard continue to venture across the battlefield seeking out other wounded soldiers in need of healing. Likewise, the other five priests of the Temple also walk the battlefield in search of Temple soldiers wounded from the battle against Vylkarion. In the aftermath of battle, the Temple seeks to preserve the lives of its loyal servants.

Later in the afternoon, Noroth and his guard reach one edge of the battlefield. Ahrahk notices a warrior standing upon a nearby hill east of them. He looks closer and recognizes the warrior. He calls out to the high priest, "Your holiness, look to the east. It is him, Ramiro, the Conqueror."

Noroth looks to the east and finds the man standing upon the hill. He responds, "Well done, Ahrahk. We have found our hero. Wait here as I speak with Ramiro."

Noroth leaves him and walks alone up the hill. He sees Ramiro standing with his back to the battlefield. Noroth arrives atop the hill and stands next to Ramiro. He finds Ramiro gazing to the east across a field of blue roses.

The high priest greets Ramiro, "The right hand of Cazzayus serves the God of Pain well. Kondria is defeated, and Vylkarion will be made ready to serve the Temple. On behalf of the Temple, I thank you, Conqueror. If not for your might, we would not have seen victory on this day."

Ramiro, keeping himself facing forward at the field of blue roses, asks Noroth, "Who is Ventahss?"

A little surprised by the question, Noroth responds, "Ventahss? Why do you ask? How do you know this name?"

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